🐍 Schemer of the Scalding Sands: Chapter 1 🐍

Start from the beginning

"Huh? What's a win-ter holly-day?" Grim curiously asks the ghosts.

"It's when school lets out for the season," Casper explains. "Most students go home to celebrate the new year with their family. They have fancy dinners, too."

"Wait, there's FOOD?!" Grim exclaims in shock, with Angel sighing at the fact that food was Grim's weak point.

"And plenty of it," Adam responds. "Roast turkey, pie, a ham as big as your head, you name it...Not that us ghosts can eat, of course," he states, a little sad at the last part of it.

"Some ghosts head home to the netherworld to spend holidays with their family too, y'know," Casper states.

"Yeah, and some of 'em never come back! Heh heh heh!" Benny chuckles.

"Spendin' time with the family while gettin' your grub on sounds nice..." Grim says sadly, with Angel looking down sadly at statement, reminding her about her own predicament. I wonder...did I used to do that with my family...? Are they worried about me? Have they been looking for me after all this time...? The thoughts start to plague her mind, trying to at least remember anything she could think of about her life, only for the pain to come back, preventing her from remembering anything about it. I wonder if the headmage's actually looking into a way for me to go home... She sighs, knowing that at least there was a fallback plan in case he didn't find a way yet. She looks to see that Grim was silent, mainly still thinking about what he said.

"Um..." Angel speaks to Grim, trying to find the words to change the topic. "What's your family like, Grim?" She asks, only to regret the question. Why did I ask that?!

Grim looks at her in surprise. "My family? Hmmm..." He thinks for a moment. "I don't remember 'em," he says. "I remember wakin' up hungry and alone. It was really cold. I was waitin' out there for someone to come and get me for ages. What happened after that again?" He closes his eyes in thought. "It's all so foggy..." Angel only looks at him sadly, at least glad to know that he was in a similar predicament as she was in the matter of family. Grim opens his eyes and smiles. "But hey, I'm a forward-facin' kinda guy anyway!" He happily says. "The future's way cooler than the past! Especially 'cause I'm gonna be a rich and powerful sorcerer! Gah ha hah!" He laughs. Angel only smiles at him, seeing that he doesn't let the fact that his sad past doesn't stop him.

The ghosts only cry at Grim's story. "Awww, poor little Grimmy had it rough!" Casper says as he sniffles blows his nose.

"How'd you like to spend the holidays sitting around the fireplace with us?" Adam asks the two, and the two only smile at him.

"Myah ha ha! If there's good food to be had, consider me ready for some holiday cheer!" Grim happily says.

"That sounds great!" Angel responds and the ghosts only smile at the two, glad that their relationship had progressed so far.

"Then it's decided! We'll have a good 'ol fashion ghost holiday!" Benny exclaims to the group and the group only cheers.

"As much as we do like to sit and chat, you guys need to get to class!" Casper states to the two, reminding them that the holiday hasn't quite started yet. "Don't want your last day to be a late one!"

"Right! Let's go, Grim!" Angel happily says and Grim only climbs up her shoulder. The two waved goodbye to the ghosts and headed off to class, walking in the winter air. As she was walking, she is reminded by what Grim said about his family. Just like her, he felt so alone, waiting for someone, or at least, something in his case, to get him and claim him as a part of their family. It's not to say that Angel doesn't see him as a friend, in fact, she sees Grim as something more than a friend, preferably as something like Crewel was to her, her family. "Hey, Grim..." She says, getting Grim's attention. "Um...With as much time we've spent together...I consider you a part of my family...so you're not alone, just like you told me before," she says quietly hoping that Grim understood her.

Grim only look at Angel in shock, not expecting her to say something like that. "You do?"

"Of course, I do," she says. "We've been through thick and thin, and I see you as a part of my family, so it makes sense. Don't you consider us kind of like family?"

"...I guess..." Grim says silently.

She smiles and picks him off his shoulders, hugging him. "Then as a family, let's spend the holiday together, okay?"

"...Fine..." Grim says quietly, not expecting the turn of events to happen, but glad nonetheless that he has someone waiting for him as a member of his family. "But when I become the Great Grim, you better be there to cover my back!"

Angel giggles. "I'll be there, Grim."

"Listen up, whelps," Crewel states to the class as class nears its end. "Your holiday vacation starts tomorrow. I'm sure all of you are foaming at the mouth to get back home, but every year, there's always some foolish pup who forgets about his homework and spends the whole break goofing off," he says sternly. "Just remember that I have severe punishment in store for any such slackers out there. Are we clear?" He says as he raises his wand, making everyone nod in understanding. "You have permission to use the Dark Mirror to return home for the holidays. Report to your dorm mirror once you've packed your things!"

"Yes, Professor!" Everyone responds as they get their items ready with some students heading to Crewel for some last-minute sayings, with Angel being one of them. Once the students finished talking to Crewel, Crewel only smiles at Angel.

"I'm surely going to miss my favorite pup over the holidays," he states quietly, seeing that some of the students were happily talking amongst themselves. "Are you sure you'll be fine on campus by yourself for the holiday?"

"I'll be fine," Angel smiles at him. "You just go ahead and relax for a while. Try not to think of anything related to school and just enjoy your holiday."

Crewel just smiles at her. "I wouldn't dare forget my puppy, especially since she gave me something to remember her," he says as he points to the pocket watch in his vest pocket. "I'll be sure to think of you every time I look at it. Now, go on and talk to your friends. I'm sure you want to spend time with them before they leave. Call me if anything happens, and I'll be there." Angel just nods at him and leave him to his business while she joins back up with Ace and Deuce, both relieved about the holiday.

"Ugh, finally! A break from this cramped dorm life!" Ace happily exclaims.

"Good grief. Night Raven College doesn't kid around with holiday homework," Deuce sighs as he look at the stack of papers in front of him. "Look at all this."

"Speaking of going home," Ace says to Angel, "I guess you haven't found a way back, Annie?"

"Will you two be spending the holidays in your dorm?" Deuce asks the two.

"Yup. We've made plans to have ourselves a feast with the ghosts!" Grim happily states.

"Oh, right. There's plenty of ghosts on campus to keep you company, so it won't be just the two of you," Ace says.

Deuce thinks for a moment. "But when school lets out, don't the cafeteria and school store shut down too?"

The statement only shocks Angel and Grim. "Mrow! I didn't even think about that. Where'm I supposed to get the food for my feast?!"

"Surely the headmage's planned for this...right?" Angel asks, making Deuce and Ace concerned.

"Sounds like you'd better check in with the headmage soon," Deuce says.

"You need Crowley's permission to use the Dark Mirror, so my guess is he's probably there right now. Let's find out," Ace says and everyone nods, gathering their things and heading to the Mirror Chamber.

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