" Kim Taehyung. You are the most kind, beautiful, adorable, compassionate and loving human being in this whole wide world." Jungkook said while his hands stretched to his sides to show the superlative degree in the air. Taehyung gleefully giggled and hugged the male.

" Stupid koo.." Jungkook grinned widely and hugged the boy tightly to his chest.


Chrysanthemums and lavender borrowed their purple shade to the ground feeding them. The rejuvenating smell of Arabian Jasmines in the air attract birds and passionate animals to the little villa the men had built. Four houses were already constructed under the names of Namjoon, Yoongi, Suga and Jungkook. The General's house has been undergoing maintainence work as he never attempted to complete the work before nor had planned to stay. Well, his plans and priorities are now changing due to an eighteen year old boy.

" Taehyung-ahh, now since you got your own brother, won't you be no longer my soulmate?" Jimin nervously asked.

The two friends were plunged to offer camaraderie to Jung Hoseok as the latter promised to give a tour of the whole place without adult supervision. Jin was busy in the kitchen, preparing the best and scrumptious food for his brother while Namjoon, Jungkook and Yoongi offered their hands to help. Suga went away for his routine works that includes taking his horse for a ride and practicing a bit of what he loves and craves.

" Jimin ahh, why do you even ask that? You will always remain my annoyingly lovely soulmate." Taehyung said hugging the male.

" Tae, do you perceive that I changed, like you?" Jimin asked, his head still at the other's shoulder.

" Like me ?" Taehyung frowned.

" Yes. You look confident now. Much more happy with your brother and soon to be husband. Your smile seemed to be brightened, your skin glows with grace and the twinkle which only shows when you see your favourites is now a usual occurrence. You are so in love and that's evident in your aura." Jimin concluded which made Taehyung both ecstatic and shy.

" I don't know if he will end up marrying me. He only confessed so far." Taehyung said, tugging his hair behind his ears.

" Well, get ready to give your measurements for wedding dress then." Jimin said, giggling uncontrollably which Taehyung also joined in utter hope.

The duo resumed their walk, also in an attempt to find the leader aka Jung Hoseok who accompanied them.

After a short while,

"Look, Hoseok hyung. There is someone behind him too." Taehyung said pointing towards the treeside where Hoseok appeared to be bent and pressed on the tree trunk.

Jimin gasped and covered Taehyung's eyes in one stride.

" Chimmy.. remove it. Let me see who he is with. Is he in danger?" Taehyung said, trying to remove his short and tightly pressed hands.

" It's Suga hyung. They are... they are making lo..."

" FUCK ME HARDER SUCKER." A scream from Hoseok was heard and both the boys jumped back.

" Oh leave it. They are having wild sex in the open." Jimin defeatedly said and prodded Taehyung to return to the house.

" Jiminie, do you feel weird seeing them together? " Taehyung asked on their way back home.

" Honestly yes, but it's okay. They are two different persons and likes two different persons. I won't mind as long as he stays loyal to me." Jimin explained.

Yes, Park Jimin changed. He became matured, trying to accept what life is throwing in front of him rather than be an hot head and react to every situations like he did when he was younger. He became soft and gentle after he met Yoongi. His softness is clearly visible in his gestures and eyes which would never go unnoticed by Taehyung and that was how he found out about Jimin and Yoongi even before he had told about their relation.

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