
Cass looked at his father, he said.

“The curse.”

This couldn’t be, he thought. His heart thumped at the moment when the useless and mercilessly abandoned bird returned, and at the sight of the beautiful woman who looked at him with her cold reproachful eyes.

It was purely coincidental. That’s what he thought.

“Can it be released?”

Cass didn’t believe in the Gods.

Probably all the Lloyds who had enrolled in the temple don’t believe in the Gods. ‘Piety’ is also one of the things the Lloyds lack.

Perhaps because of his mother, who was a saintess, his divine power was manifested, yet he wasn’t happy about that either. His power to heal others wasn’t suitable for Lloyd.

That’s why, he thought, he would never have to use his divine power for the rest of his life. However, he used his divine power several times. in the mine, and to protect her, and even to heal a rat.

Looking at the rat making a strange sound like ‘kyuu’, he felt that his essence was twisted and was bewildered. His identity as Lloyd was changing.

“If I really like someone, that curse… will it come loose?”

After a deep silence, his father smiled bitterly.

“Well. A miracle like that could happen.”


It was after dinner.

[The Golden Kingdom]

The title was interesting, hence the reason I borrowed it and opened the book I hadn’t read. It seemed to be an old tale with insufficient evidence.

‘Let’s see.’

There was a great kingdom that was chosen by a certain god. A rich kingdom where gold overflowed from its barns and wine and honey flowed through its waterways.

However, as I read the article, I frowned when I saw the illustration under the article.

‘It’s cruel and barbaric.’

People wearing all kinds of precious jewels were persecuting those who seemed to be slaves.

The phrase that the royal family began to brutally kill people for fun when wealth and affluence reached its peak was seen under the illustration.

The Golden Kingdom conquered, plundered, and killed people around it. In a very cruel way.

‘Somehow it reminds me of the Aztec civilization.’

In the end, it was destroyed by buying the wrath of the Gods, and the last thing written was that the royal family was cursed from generation to generation.

‘Is this the encouraging good and punishing evil ending?’

Just then, a knock was heard from the window. As I got closer to the window, I saw the Blue Wing.

The Beloved Fake SaintKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat