"Come on who was it?"

"This is bullshit!" I yelled as they drove off, "Fuck."

We went inside and Fiona explained to Jimmy the situation.

"Mayo, let's go. I need to ask my boss if I can take the day off so we can sort this shit out."

"Ok," I said. While we did that, Jimmy stayed home and cleaned up the kitchen. I waited outside for her to talk to her boss, and I got a text from Diana.

Any updates?

No, not yet. This stupid bitch wouldn't tell us where they're going. They said it's for intake measures or something like that.

I wasn't worried about Lip and Ian as much as I was about the other three, especially Debbie. 

Fiona came back five minutes later, and she did not look happy.

"You get the day off?"

"Oh, even better," Fi said, "I quit."

"Shit, I'm sorry, Fi."

"Nah, don't be," she said, "My boss was a perv who made us blow him during our breaks."

"What?!" I said, flabbergasted, "That's legal? And you all put up with it?"

"Well, I never did it, but everyone else did," she said, "Which is why the bitches at work hated me. I mean, it was for good pay, and most of these women can't afford to lose their jobs."

I nodded. To a certain degree, I guess I could understand, but also, I certainly wouldn't want to be sucking my boss's dick just to pay the bills, especially if he was a fat hairy man with stubble.

We made it to the office and followed the same lady who came to the house, Britney.

"Was hoping to see Marilyn," Fi said, "She's been our case worker the last couple of years."

"Well, the turnover rate in our field is quite high. It's really a wonder Marilyn lasted as long as she did. So, how can I help you?"

"You can give me the addresses where the kids were placed," Fiona said.

"I already told you I can't give out any information about the case until the intakes are complete."

"Come on," Fiona said, "Marilyn always used to give me the info so I know they're okay and can get them stuff like books, clothes, or whatever."

"That is a clear violation on Marilyn's part."

"Hey! I know you think you're helping, but as someone who's been in and out of the system their whole life, I can tell you it's a nightmare. These kids have a big sister who loves them and I just want to make sure they're ok."

So, we figured out that Liam and Carl were together, Debbie was alone, and Lip and Ian were in a group home. Not just any group home, a level 14 one, for kids who commit arson and attempted murder against their parents. It was because they were too old to get placed. Technically, if a family wanted to adopt all five kids, they could. However, Fiona couldn't because she would then have to file for guardianship.

We returned to an empty house. I never realized how sad it was to see such a lively place so desolate. Fiona put clothes in the laundry but stopped at one of Liam's shirts and started crying.

"Hey, hey it's ok," I said, hugging her, "We're gonna figure this out. They'll be back soon, Fi."

Fiona pulled herself together and resumed doing the laundry when the door opened.


"Darker," V said.

"Hey. Talk to your caseworker?"

"Unfortunately, yeah," V said, "Two reasons why we can't take in your brood."

Apparently, since Ethel ran away, she couldn't take them in, and they didn't feel Kev and V were fit to take in five kids after that incident. Not that Ethel running away was either of their faults. They gave Ethel a loving home, and she was happy there. 

"Wait, I can call my dad and ask him," I said, pulling out my phone before Fiona stopped me.

"No, don't worry. I know your dad, and he'll laugh before you even finish the word adopt," Fi said.

"I know. It's just- Is there anything else I can do?" I said.

"You can help me get this house ready for inspection."

So, we tried to make the house spotless while Jimmy filled the holes in the backyard.

I was cleaning the kitchen when Fi called out to me, "Thanks for everything today, Mayo. You can go home now."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! You've done more than enough today," Fi said, "Go home and get some rest."

I hugged her before leaving and said bye to Jimmy. 

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