Chapter 16 - Group Study

Start from the beginning

I couldn't help but wonder about the extent of her dedication to maintaining a facade. How much time was she willing to sacrifice for this act?

As we settled into our study session at the corner table of the library, I couldn't help but think about the commitment that Kushida had demonstrated by providing us with all these materials. It was impressive, to say the least. I wondered how far she was willing to go to uphold her facade as the friendly and helpful classmate. Was it just for appearances, or did she have deeper motives?

While I pondered these thoughts, Ai and Sakura were engaged in their own conversation. It seemed like they were catching up on recent events and discussing some of their favorite topics. It was clear that the two of them had a close friendship. Sakura's shyness seemed to dissipate in Ai's presence, and Ai, in turn, seemed genuinely interested in what Sakura had to say.

Sakura: "Ai, did you hear about the upcoming music festival in the city? I heard it's going to be amazing!"

Ai: "Oh, you mean the Harmony Fest? Of course, I've heard about it! I'm so excited! The lineup this year is fantastic, and I can't wait to see all my favorite artists perform."

Sakura: "Me too! I've been saving up some points just for this event. It's going to be a dream come true!"

Their conversation was filled with excitement and shared interests. It was a stark contrast to the usual atmosphere in Class D, which often felt tense and competitive. As I listened to them, I couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity. I had never experienced anything particularly stimulating in the White Room. Music was rarely, if ever, introduced to us in normal situations. It was usually about forcing us to understand theory or making us analyze specific aspects of it. The fact that people would pay the equivalent of real-world money to go and watch someone create a series of sound frequencies fascinated me. Why pay for something that was freely available online?

I glanced at the stack of study materials in front of me. Kushida had put a lot of effort into preparing these resources. It made me wonder about her true intentions. Was she genuinely concerned about the academic success of our classmates, or did she have ulterior motives? In a school like Advanced Nurturing High School, where appearances and alliances played a significant role, it was essential to be cautious.

I had a vague idea of her motives so far, but I hadn't interacted with her enough to build a profile of her personality and actions. I hadn't even seen her without her facade. However, in due time, I knew without a doubt that I would.

Ai: "Ayanokoji, are you with us?" I suddenly heard Ai's voice and looked up at her.

I snapped out of my thoughts to find both Ai and Sakura looking at me with curious expressions.

Kiyotaka: "Sorry, I was just thinking. Please continue."

Sakura: "It's alright, Ayanokoji-kun. We were just discussing the Harmony Fest. Do you like music?"

Kiyotaka: "I don't have strong preferences when it comes to music. I appreciate it, but I'm not particularly passionate about any genre." The truth was that I don't think I am capable of having an opinion on music. To me, music is simply a set of frequencies that are arranged and composed in different manners.

Ai: "That's fair. Music can be a deeply personal thing for some people. Anyway, let's focus on our study session. We have a lot to cover."

With that, we dived into our studies. The problems on the sheets ranged from mathematics to science to literature. Kushida had made sure to include a broad spectrum of subjects to cater to everyone's needs. It was evident that she had thought this through meticulously.

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