Chapter 15 - Collecting the Idiot Trio

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Kiyotaka: "Yes. I wanted to address the matter concerning Ike, Sudou, and Yamuchi." At the mention of their names I saw the ever so slight shift in her demeanor. Those three had shown consistent reluctance to join the study group, regardless of my efforts to persuade them. It was becoming increasingly frustrating.

Kushida: "What about them?"

Kiyotaka: "They don't seem inclined to participate in the study group."

Kushida: "Huh?" It was a reasonable reaction from Kushida. All of them were some of the lowest scorers in the school, it was almost expected that they would join the study groups.

Kiyotaka: "Despite my best attempts, they remain uninterested." Well, "best attempts" is stretching it a bit.

Kushida: "So they're refusing to join the study groups? From what I recall, they had some of the lowest scores. If they don't do well on this test they'll get expelled. Wouldn't joining be better for them?" She was downplaying the issue. The truth was that Ike, Sudou, and Yamuchi were among the lowest-scoring students in the entire school, and self-study alone would likely not suffice to address their academic challenges, especially given their attitudes towards studying.

Kiyotaka: "Yes I'm aware." I nodded, acknowledging the reality of the situation. "That's why I'm asking you to approach them on my behalf."

Kushida: "You want me to go and convince them join?" I nodded, my gaze unwavering as I observed her reactions. The subtle nuances of her body language spoke volumes about her thoughts and intentions. This is exactly what she wanted.

Kiyotaka: "You're more popular and charismatic than I am. It's possible that you could persuade them more effectively. Your extroverted and expressive nature might just do the trick." The more likely reason they might be swayed is due to the fact they are perverts that want you and your body. I'm sure you already know that.

Kushida: "I don't know... if you couldn't convince them, what chance do I have?" Let's not prolong this conversation. She obviously just wanted me to keep requesting for her aid, a strange form of vindication.

Kiyotaka: "It's worth a shot, isn't it? Giving up prematurely serves no purpose." Although this will feed her ego, it must be done. She seems to crave people asking her of things, relying on her.

Kushida: "I suppose you're right. I'll talk to them today and let you know how it goes." The expected response.

Kiyotaka: "Thank you, Kushida. And I apologize for not being able to handle it myself." Now I don't have to use as much effort.

Kushida: "Don't worry about it, I'll try my best!"

Kiyotaka: "Oh and don't bother with Sudou or Koenji."

Kushida: "Why is that?"

Kiyotaka: "I doubt either of them will listen to anyone."

Kushida: "Ok then. I'll make sure to not fail Ayanokoji-kun."

Kiyotaka: "I'm sure you won't." I've concluded my buisness here with Kushida. WIth this, if she actually goes to talk to Ike and Yamauchi they will be sure to accept. I doubt that either of them would pass up on an opportunity to get into Kushida's good graces. "I'll excuse myself then, since we've finished our conversation."

Kushida: "Ok, I'll see you during class Ayanokoji-kun!" I exited the classroom with both my hands in my pocket. Everything should be set into motion for now. By tomrrow both Ike and Yamauchi would have agreed to join the study groups.

I veered away from the usual route that led to the student housing, opting instead to make my way toward the school's basketball court. In the tranquil embrace of the morning, the court was typically devoid of any activity. Most students were either still in the embrace of slumber or occupied with their morning routines, leaving the spacious court to bask in its own solitude.

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