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heyyy guys!!! you guys are so meanieee,,,you wont give me any votes nor comments also you dont share to people you know..its so sad....just make me feel alive again


life's only limitations are the ones we make


That school was entirely we can fix our eyes on  the seniors the top floor their was a river of students.since they all wore the uniform..that sight was somewhat cool.maybe? that hallway almost filled with students.everyone pushing and pulling aside,chatting and laughing and not caring anything about outside of their friends circle.

                             at middle of that hallway.right in front of a certain classroom stood a certain group with six students.some of them leaning into balcony,some of them leaning into the wall.they were getting impatient as a certain boy who kept  showing and yelling the time on the watch.

they all looked like they were waiting for someone.maybe their teacher?maybe they are waiting for two idiotic bestfriends to join them

A girl who stood near the balcony looked at her friends.she had pink hair and green eyes.she was so pretty

finally she spoke or should i say she shouted?

"where the hell are those monkeys?"

"chill sakura,there is a few minutes left for the last bell"  the girl with red hair spoke as she looked at the girl named sakura while adjusting  glasses on her face

"i'll smack their head once they are here!" another girl other than the red and pink said

"kiba!what time is it?" she looked at the boy who is next to her .she grabbed his hand to look at watch

"what a drag~,as kaarin said there is some more time left .tenten! just calm down.afterall kakashi sensei is always late right?they are taking guys already know those idiots"

the ponytail boy with a calm ,lazy face stood near the balcony next to the red haired girl kaarin said.he felt like saying these words took forever and he already know they are not gonna forgive sai and naruto for making them stand like this

"you have a point shika"said the quiet girl in the group and shikamaru noded

"no hinata.first naru was later than usual.then sai went to wait for him at main look those idiots are making us stand here like scarecrows"kiba sighed

he looked at  watch and shouted"its 8:40 already!!!!

"oh mahn~"it was tenten

"WHAT ARE THEY HERE YET?"shika looked up but to see a handsome boy with purple hair walking past them

"oh darn it he is so handsome!"sakura was on dream land

"i agree"hinata was all pink

"on the top of that he had a unique hair colour"kaarin adjusted her glasses

shika and kiba was likeee (⊙o⊙)

thats when someone came infront of them..they were talking about that boy so they didnt notice

As long as I'm your"bestfriend"Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon