"I love you," was Grace's response because she wasn't quite sure what to say. She greatly appreciated Taylor giving her a safety net to fall into and all the opportunities she had that she wouldn't have been able to get if she was still stuck in Glenville. She just didn't know how to express it in words, words had always been so easy... except for when it came to Taylor.

Words with Taylor had always been so hard.

"Did you know that I love you more?"

"You couldn't possibly."

"Oh, sweetheart, I most certainly do."

"I will spurn your flirting."

"I'd like to see you try."

Once Taylor convinced Grace to lose the heels she didn't know Grace would even pack for a trip to the beach, they put on swimsuits and headed down towards the water. Grace had to confess that besides the trip to Holiday House they had taken, she'd never properly been to the beach.

It was unsanitary and pedestrian growing up and then she never had the opportunity to do so otherwise, so now that the chance presented itself, Grace was unsure how to go about it.

"What do you do?"

"You just sit," Taylor found the lounge chairs she'd asked be brought down to the private beach, "You can read or think. Build sandcastles, swim. Personally, I'm going to have a cocktail and forget all my problems for the rest of the day but I can understand if you choose not to join me."

"Ha," Grace chuckled softly, "Yes, I agree that I will take a rain check on the drinking. Kiss me before you drink, I'm banishing your mouth away."

Taylor pulled her close with an arm snaked around Grace's waist and kissed her deeply. The younger half of the couple wasn't expecting it to be so sudden, her breath stuck in her throat as she allowed Taylor's tongue to brush against her lower lip.

Taylor pulled back as the kiss slowed, Grace's breath landing softly on her skin, "That never gets old."

"Give me another," Grace smiled, it was a need.

Taylor knowing her partner like the back of her hand, packed a book in with the towels and sunscreen. Little things made life with Grace easier, especially once she learned that Grace had no beach skills.

She couldn't believe how far Grace had come since they'd met, but the idea of never getting to enjoy a day of the beach just because you were born into a family with outlandish expectations for their children was ridiculous.

"I want to take our kids to the beach often," Taylor blurted out while in her chair. Grace pushed her thumb between the pages to mark her place and turned her head to give Taylor her attention.

"It is fine," Grace shrugged, "I feel like I am on the edge of boredom."

"But you've never been to the beach?! Sit in the sand and feel all the grains, go in the water and put the snorkel thing on to look around! There's so much to do."

"I sit," Grace gestured to herself and the lounge, "And I stare at the earth. I can do that from anywhere, especially places that have formidable wifi to run my chess game."

"Babe, I don't know what to tell you. This is a gay friendly country, I need a break from tour and want to sit on the beach. You're welcome to go hold up in the villa or fly home, or whatever," Taylor sighed with frustration obvious in her face.

"I'm not saying I want to leave!" Grace defended herself quickly with the same tone, her voice rising, "I just am explaining that I do not see the appeal and will need to explore it further."

The Lucky One (2) - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now