Chapter 30

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Fast forward a week, and I've still not given birth. I'm extremely uncomfortable. She's been camping out for five extra days and it's annoying now. Im sat in the kitchen with Ellie and Fernando. "She's taking her sweet time." Ellie plods along. "Tell me about it." I say trying not to sob. "Oh honey, it's okay." She says wrapping her arms around me.

I sob into her arms and Ezra appears in the kitchen. Ellie gives him a concerned look and he walks towards me. "Amore, tell me what I can do." He says rubbing my shoulders. Ellie lets go of me and I face him. "Tell your daughter to get out of me." I cry. He giggles a little. I slap him, "Fuck off." I shout.

"Ouch." He smiles. "I'm not going to take any offence right now Tesoro." He says pulling me into a hug. I break down into his arms and Ellie and Fernando leave the kitchen. "I'm sorry baby." I sigh. "Hey, don't apologise. I understand." He whispers as he strokes the back of my head.

I sniffle and try to get out of the chair I'm in and fail miserably. Ezra holds out his muscular arms and I grab onto them. He pulls me up with ease. His tattoos are mesmerising. "I've got the private midwife coming today to check on you. You don't have to stress about the hospitals." He states. "Thank you." I sigh hugging him again.

I can't believe he pays a private midwife in his long chain of medical professionals just for me. He has had a room in the house changed for my medical appointments as well. I just can't bring myself to go to the hospital. It's homely but professionally medical and suitable for labour.

The midwife soon arrives when Ezra has a free space in his schedule. We sit in the medical room. "What can I help you with?" The midwife asks. "Baby girl was due five days ago, and Aurora is extremely uncomfortable." Ezra explains whilst holding my hand. "Right let's get you up onto the bed." She says. Ezra helps me out of my chair and onto the bed.

She checks my cervix to see if I'm dilated any. "Your cervix isn't dilated any yet. Sometimes mothers prepare before labour naturally and are one to two centimetres before their waters break." She adds. "There's got to be something we can do." I sigh.

"There are plenty of things to try and induce labour, like going for walks, eating spicy food, the most common one is sex." She continues. I groan, "I'm uncomfortable though, sex isn't going to help me feel more comfortable." I ramble. "It'll make you feel more comfortable if baby girl decides to make an appearance. It will also release endorphins, making you feel happier." The midwife says.

Soon later she leaves and me and Ezra walk through the house to the front door. "Haven't you got meetings?" I ask him. "I have booked a week off amore. Everything will be taken care of and they will ring me if it is an absolute necessity." He smiles as he gestures for me to hold his arm. I hold his muscular arm as we walk through the country roads. Bodyguards aren't far behind.

The walk lasts about half an hour by the time we have reached home again. I walk up the front steps and Ezra is right behind holding my hips. I waddle through the house to the kitchen. We reach the kitchen. "Fernando, get your thinking cap on. We need something extra spicy for tea tonight. We are gonna smoke this baby girl out." I say before he nods and I waddle away again like I'm on a mission. Ezra laughs and follows right behind me.

I stop in my tracks when she kicks me so hard. "Ow you bitch." I frown. Ezra is laughing his head off but trying to hide it. He fails miserably. He rubs my belly, "I don't think you're meant to kick mummy that hard principessa." We enter the living room and I plonk myself down onto the sofa. Without even asking Ezra puts on tangled. "Grazie bambino." (Thank you baby) I smile. He smiles softly back and kisses my forehead. We sit together until a maid brings in some plates of food.

She placed them in front of us. "Do you not want to sit in the dining room?" I ask Ezra. "We will eat wherever you are comfortable Tesoro." He says before kissing my lips. We pick up our dish and start tasting it. It's a very spicy chilli with rice and some garlic bread. "Cazzo è caldo." (Fuck that's hot) Ezra winces. "Porca puttana." (Holy shit) I hiss.

We finish the chilli. We both down some milk. "Thank you for suffering with me." I say looking to Ezra with both our noses running. "Always and forever Tesoro." He says as his soft smile decorates his face.

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