Chapter 20

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The morning soon arrives and I rush to the toilet to be sick yet again. The fear still consumed me, I thought it would get easier being sick everyday but it doesn't. Like always, Ezra was at my side rubbing my back trying to ease my thoughts. He was too late to hold my hair back so it the front pieces were decorated with sick.

He doesn't leave to his office until I've been in the shower and he knows I'm okay. I get dressed after the shower and he kisses me before leaving our room. I sigh and wonder what I would do today. I decide I'm was going to bake. I used to enjoy baking, and I was really craving my signature brownies. They were so gooey. I walk out into the kitchen and grab all of the ingredients.

The brownies were into the oven and I realised the mountain of washing up I had created. One of the maids had offered to do it. I insisted on cleaning up after myself. Once I had finished cleaning the pots, I went to sit outside in the garden for some fresh air.

It was peaceful out here. There were flowers blooming as it was the beginning of summer. They are so pretty. It was rudely interrupted by the chef talking to me. "The brownies are done Mrs Coppola, would you like me to take them out?" He asks. I nod as I take in a deep breath of the beautiful scenery. Have I really been sat outside for 40 minutes?

I go to stand up and I am abruptly shocked back into the bench as it feels like I'm being stabbed from the inside. A guard looks at me in confusion. "Everything alright Mrs Coppola?" He puzzles. "Yeah, I'll be okay in a minute thank you." I shout down the garden. The stabbing pain was intense, nothing like I had ever experienced before.

I go to stand up again and I am shot down in pain. I wince this time and the guard walks over. "Do you need some assistance?" He asks. I nod as I try to control my breathing. He helps me up and I collapse in his arms. Crying out in pain. He signals the other guard to get Ezra, he ran like his life depended on it. Seconds later Ezra and the guard burst through the back door.

Ezra's eyes glue to me and I am still crying out in pain. The guard held me up in his arms until Ezra reached me and took me into his grasp. "What's wrong Tesoro?" He says trying not to show the fear in his voice but I could hear it. "I don't know, I'm in... so much pain." I try to breath through it but it hurts so bad. He scoops me up in his arms and charges through the house.

Before I know it, we are outside again. "Forgive me tesoro, I'm going to drive fast. Remember you are safe." He whispers. I cannot even reply from the pain I am in. My cheeks are now drowning in my tears and the car is moving at a crazy speed. Minutes pass and he is shouting doctors over. We are in a hospital.

"She's pregnant." He states before they take me away in a wheelchair. I know he's not far behind as I can feel his presence. They get me to a private room with a bed where I am quickly laid. They do an ultra sound to check the baby. I am controlling my tears but still wincing from the pain. Silence fills the room.

"Where's the heartbeat?" Ezra snaps. The doctor stays quiet, before taking in a deep breath, "I'm sorry Mrs Coppola, you are having a miscarriage." I sob. "I'm going to let you two have a minute." The doctor says before leaving the room. I sit up and Ezra is on the edge of the bed. He grabs me into a long, tight hug. I sob into his neck and I can hear him sniffling.

"Everything is going to be okay." He whispers. "I killed our baby, this is all my-" I cry out before being interrupted. "This is not your fault Tesoro, you did not kill our baby." He says with a shaky voice. I pull away from where my head was buried and looked him in the eyes. Sure enough he was sobbing as well. I hold his face, "I'm so sorry." I cry. "I'm sorry too." He cries.

We stay in each others arms for a long time. Before leaving the hospital the doctor stops us, "the baby was developing at around 4 weeks so it will leave your body naturally, and when it does, do not be frightened. It is normal." They state. I show no emotion and stay clung to my husband. His arm stays tight around me as we walk out of the hospital. We sit in the car, in the quiet for a few minutes. "Our wedding night." I sigh. "I know." He whispers with tears in his eyes.


The car is started and Ezra starts to drive, I hold his hand and squeeze it. The squeeze is reciprocated. "I love you Ezra." I sniffle. "I love you too Aurora." He says giving me a soft smile trying to shove his tears away, but he can't. He allows his tears to roll down his cheeks. I wipe my thumb across them before holding his hand again. The car was warm and it was dark outside, making me fall asleep.

I feel the cold air hit me as I am lifted out of the car. I hold Ezra's face and he looks down at me. His tears falls once again and I follow in suit. Tears roll down my face he kisses my forehead as we walk inside. Going up to our room was eerie. It was so quiet and cold in the house. We got to our room and laid asleep in each others embrace.

I wake up, a cramping in the bottom of my belly. I glance through the gap in the curtains and it is still dark outside. I quietly groan in pain. I gently wriggle out of Ezra's arms trying not to wake him. I enter the bathroom and sit on the toilet lid, cramps surging over me in waves. Tears fly down my cheeks uncontrollably. I sob as quietly as possible.

There is a soft knock coming from the other side of the door. I cover my mouth with my hand. "Aurora, are you okay?" Ezra's voice was so gentle. "I'm okay." My voice croaked as more tears fell down my face. "I don't believe you Tesoro." He sighs. I sob so loud, it is uncontrollable. He peeks his head around the door and sees me holding my head in my hands as I sit on the toilet lid.

"Oh Tesoro." He chokes. "I'm sorry." I sob. He crouches down in front of me, "you have nothing to be sorry about." He whispers. He moves my hands from my face. I look at him with puffy eyes and snot leaving my nose. He hands me a tissue and I clean my nose a bit. Ezra is holding his arms out ready for me to collapse into them. I get off of the toilet lid and hug him tightly. He rests against the bathroom cabinet as I sit in his lap, burying my head into him.

"Are you in pain?" He asks softly. "So much pain." I cry. "Tell me what I can do to help with the pain." Tears fall from his face. "I don't know." I sob, loosing my breath. "Maybe a hot water bottle and some pain killers?" He puzzles. "And c...cuddles." I say trying to catch my breath. "Of course." He says placing a kiss on my forehead.

I am placed back in bed. "I'll be two minutes Tesoro, stay strong for me okay." He says trying to stay strong himself. I know this is breaking him. He kisses my forehead again before quickly running through the house to get me everything I need. He returns with pain killers, a drink, and a hot water bottle.

I prop myself up to take the pain killers. He places the hot water bottle on the lower part of my stomach. I cup his face, "thank you," I whisper. He nods giving me a half smile, holding back his tears behind an unstable brick wall. "It's okay." I whisper trying to ease him. He breaks down and sobs out loud. I'm still holding his face and gesture for him to come closer. I hold him in my arms as his sobs in my shoulder. I stroke his hair as his arms wrap around me.

"Shhhh baby, it's okay." You whisper, trying not to choke on your own tears. He sobs until he falls asleep. You fall asleep seconds after him. Hours later you wake up. Still sat up right, you glance over at the clock and it is 9:30am. Ezra must not be going into work today I thought to myself. I can't blame him, this period in our life is draining. We lost a child.

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