Chapter 2

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Hours had gone by and I realise I had fallen asleep. I awoke brutally when I felt my head hit the window. We had taken a sharp turn. A hand was placed on my thigh, carefully stroking it as I tried to get my bearings. "Get your hand off of me." I snap pushing the man's hand away. "I was only trying to steady you tesoro."(sweetheart). He said in a calm tone looking at me through his thick and long eyelashes.

I bring my eyes away from him as this looks like a dangerous trap. Car journeys always put me in a deep sleep. Glancing out the window I see that we have pulled into the driveway of a mansion. It was beautiful.

"Welcome to your new home." His husky voice said with a slight smile. I was puzzled trying to understand his native language through his accent. I'm sure he was Italian.

I was lost for words. "What do you mean, new home?" My eyes well with tears as I've been dragged away from my mother and father. "They sold you." He bluntly spoke. "W..wh...what, why?" I stutter as my throat closes and my eyes pool with water.

He ignores my question and gets out of the car before coming round to my side and dragging me out. I fight my way out of his loose grip. "Why?!" I shout. He turns around and takes a deep breath. "Your father is dying and he didn't want you to be on your own when he went." I stand there confused, "but what about my mother, she will be on her own." He shakes his head walking towards me and towering over me. He lowers his voice. "She plans to go when he goes."

I feel my heart breaking. They sold me and nobody told me my dad was ill, dying. My mum was going to kill herself. Thoughts are flying through my brain trying to process the news. The man's gaze is burning into me and I can feel it. I break down and fall to the floor.

Many armed men in suits were watching my breakdown, but I didn't care. Too much was going on. The smell of aftershave strengthened as he crouched down to me and scooped me up into his arms. I didn't care. I didn't try to stop it I just sobbed into his shirt as he carried me inside.

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