Chapter 27

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"It's all going to be ok tesoro, I'll get us away safely." He reassures me. I start to tear up a little, he calls a group of his men and they are not far behind and soon reach us behind the car ramming into us. "Whenever you're ready boss." One says through the phone. "Aurora, are you ready?" He says glancing over at me. "Yes." I nod. I hate it when cars go extremely fast.

"Now." Ezra demands. He never let go off my belly and he put his foot down on the peddle. We take off and I could hear gunshots in the distance. I turn around and the car that was ramming us was now spinning out of control. We arrive home at a quick pace and Ezra rushes me inside.

"Tesoro, listen to me very carefully. I have been having a secure room built in the house so that if anyone was to come in, you wouldn't be found. It's finished and I need you to be in that room." He says cupping my face. "What's happening?" I question with concern and worry. "I don't have time to explain right now baby, but this room will keep you safe." He sighs.

We start walking to the room holding hands. It is so secret. We walk into a spare bedroom at the back of the house on the bottom floor. He lifts up the entire bed and there is a couple of wooden slats under the rug that slide away with a button on his phone. Revealing a stair case. We walk down and it is cozy. Unlike the rest of the house. The rest of the house is black and cream.

This room was baby pink with a warm light. My favourite drinks and snacks were down here. A little cute bathroom which was a khaki green and gold. A bed full of blankets and pillows. A tv, and some spare clothes. "A tv? Won't intruders hear that?" I puzzle. "The entire room is sound proof. I tested it just to make sure." He says rubbing my back. "The decoration is so cute." I say turning round and giving him a cuddle. "I'm glad you like it but, I have to go now Tesoro." He sighs.

I nod and give him a kiss. "I love you." I smile. "I love you more." He smiles back but bigger. I love that soft smile. He crouches down onto his knees and kisses my belly. "I love you." He stands up and hugs me one last time before leaving.


Ezra's POV:

I rush through the house to my car. We have been waiting for this moment. My wish hadn't come true. I wished for them to strike when Aurora wasn't present. Clearly they didn't choose a fight, they chose war.

When I reach my car vans follow that are full of my men. I head to where the crash took place. My men had been captured and tortured. Him and hundreds of his men were surrounding us. Nothing in comparison to what I had. My men were surrounding the borders of Italy. Surrounding me. Surrounding my wife. Surrounding my home.

"Ho aspettato questo giorno Ezra." (I have been waiting for this day Ezra). He smirks. My ex best friend. Stood here before me with his "empire". I scoff at his desperation for death. He felt superior to me. Like he could be something better. I've kept tabs on him for years.

I know his every move. "Sei un uomo patetico. Hai voglia di potere. Vogile. Qualcosa di idilliaco. Qualcosa che vuoi ma non puoi mai avere." (You are a pathetic man. You crave power. Cravings. Something idyllic. Something you want, but can never have). I grin.

"La voglia di tua moglie non è stata soddisfatta un pain d'ora fa. Cos'era... Pringles di sale e aceto?" (Weren't your wife's cravings satisfied a couple of hours ago. What was it... salt and vinegar Pringles?). He laughs.

I feel my entire body tense up and anger surge through me. History was repeating itself. My fists tighten and possessiveness fills my body. "Ne ho abbastanza delle tue stronzate." (I've had enough of your bullshit). I growl. I walk towards him and pull out a pocket knife.

I hold it to his neck. His pathetic men arm their guns at my head. My men surround them. They have been brainwashed and think they can take on my men. It's funny.

He looks me in the eyes. His are filled with fear and mine are filled with enjoyment. I press the knife against him slightly and his breaths get heavier. "Hai paura?" (Are you scared?) I laugh. He gulps before finding the courage to ask me a funny question. "Hai lasciato andare la tua emozione? Ero il tuo migliore amico." (Have you let go of your emotion? I used to be your best friend). He sighs.

I laugh at him and he frowns. "Non ho emozioni verso di te se non l'odio." (I have no emotion towards you other than hatred). I stab him in the stomach for a slow painful death and bullets are fired from every direction. His men were wiped out with a flick of a pinky. Pathetic. My injured men were taken to hospital.

My ex best friend looks at me with horror in his eyes before smiling. "Alcuni dei miei uomini non erano sul campo di battaglia oggi. Si stavano dirigendo verso la stanza segreta. La stanza che contiene il tuo mondo. Ho preso il tuo mondo prima e sto per farlo di nuovo." (Some of my men weren't in the battle field today. They were heading to the secret room. The room that holds your world. I've taken your world before and I'm about to do it again). He says before taking his last breath.

My stomach drops, my heart pounds through my rib cage. I run to my car and ring one of the guards in charge of the house. "Tell me she doesn't have a scratch on her. The baby..." I shout trying to calm my thoughts. "She is safe and unharmed boss. The baby is safe." He replies. Barry is the longest reigning guard I have ever had. I trust him so much. He was there that day.

My thoughts aren't calming and my driving speeds up. "Was it a bluff to get in my head?" I puzzle. "No, they knew there was a secret room, they just didn't know where." He states. "No one ever will." I sigh of relief. Turns out they were one step ahead. They had been watching closer than I had been watching.

I reach home and dart inside. I see Barry stood in the hallway. "No one even got close." He says as I nod and rush past him to the room. I press the button on my phone and run down the stairs. She is sat in bed with some chocolate watching tangled. "Hey Tesoro." I smile walking over to her. My voice shaky, I hope she hasn't noticed.

I kiss her and press my forehead against hers. "I'm back baby." I whisper. "Good, our child is beating me to death." She groans. She is so beautiful. She is my sunshine, my oxygen, my reason to live. I love her with everything I have. "You are safe to come out of hiding. I just need to go somewhere." I say giving her a tight cuddle. "Want me to come with you?" She asks. I shake my head and we walk out of the room together.

I walk her to the kitchen where Fernando is cooking her a chilli. "I love you." I whisper. "I love you more." She smirks and I can't help but smile at her. I walk out of the kitchen and to my car. I drive to a florist and pick up a big bunch of lilac tulips. I get back in the car and drive.


I reach the cemetery. I walk over to the polished headstone that held my mama and papas name. I brush the top of the headstone with my hand before crouching down. "Hey mama. Hey papa." I sigh. I place the flowers down and pick up the dead ones. I place the dead ones on my uncle Luca's grave and frown at his headstone. My mama and papa wanted to be together when they died so years after my mamas death my papa was buried at the side of her and the headstone was changed.

I turn back to my mother and father's shared grave. "Today was nearly history repeating itself. Mama you filled my head. I lost you all over again today. My mind played tricks on me as I drove to my wife and unborn child." Tears fill my eyes. "He took you from me all them years ago and nearly took Aurora as well. It was horrific, even the thought." I shake my head.

"I'm going to become a dad. A papa." I smile. "I hope you and papa are proud. I wish you were both here to celebrate it. You will be grandparents in a few months. I hope that some of your characteristics live through mine and Aurora's child." I plod on. "I will eternally hate myself for letting you die that day. I should've been able to save you. I would've happily died that day instead of you." I sigh placing a kiss on my hand before placing it on the headstone. "I love you both so much." I whisper before getting up and walking back to my car.

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