Chapter 18

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I feel his grip tighten, to the point it starts to hurt. "Baby, you're hurting me." I whisper in his ear. He places me down off of his back. He faces me and his eyes are full of tears. "I'm so sorry tesoro. That was never my intention." He whispers. "No, no, no, no, it's ok, don't overthink this." I say whilst cupping his face.

He breathes out and places a kiss on my forehead. "You can stay here under protection, or you can come home but it will be in the sky." He says holding my hands. "I'm coming with you." I plead. He nods. "You have to do as I say though, I need to know you are safe if you come back. No messing around." He sighs. "I promise." I whisper.

We get in the car and travel to a near by runway with a jet waiting for us. "Jet may be better than a helicopter Tesoro." He smiles. I nod and tighten my grasp on his hand. I was petrified but I couldn't let him know. He wouldn't let me board if he knew I was scared. We board the jet and soon enough it takes off. It was easier but I still felt queezy, not sick though. Improvement. I fall asleep against his shoulder whilst him and his men are talking.

Soon enough we are back home and I am in bed. Did I seriously sleep the whole way home. I look out of the window and see the jet in the drive, meaning Ezra just carried me inside and not from place to place. I go to walk out of the bedroom and the door is locked. I knew I had duties to follow, but I didn't think I'd be a prisoner. I sigh and decide to pass time with a shower. I open the door to the bathroom in nothing. I pull back the shower curtain and jump back in fear.

A man was stood in my shower, looking me up and down. I try to cover myself up with my hands. "Who are you?!" I shriek. "I'm Luca, you are definitely Aurora." He smirks. Before I can open my mouth to scream for Ezra he has me in a chokehold. He runs his hands around my body and I begin to cry. "Don't cry little one. I don't want to harm you." He whispers. I try kicking my way out of his chokehold but fail miserably. Instead I bite his hand and scream as if my life depended on it.

"That came from your room boss, I think it's Aurora." A bodyguard says. "She's probably mad you locked her in." Another one scoffs. "No, she knew the rules. She wouldn't scream unless it was necessary." He unlocks your bedroom door and sees you crying in the bathroom naked. He goes to run towards you and sees his uncle in front of you pointing a gun at your head. "Ahh Ezra. Eye for an eye boy." Luca wobbles. "You don't want to kill her uncle Luca." Ezra snaps with anger in his eyes. His men have their eyes to the ground in respect. "Let her be covered." Ezra pleads. "No!" Luca snaps.

"My best friend, my sisters husband was dead at your hands. Your poor decision making. You killed your papa!" He scoffs. "Is this what this is about. I didn't kill him. He walked into the trap blinded by his love for you." Ezra gulps. "He saved me and you killed him in the process!" Luca shouts. "This is why you are in a mental hospital, you struggle to accept the fact he gave you his life." Ezra argues. "The world keeps spinning." Ezra sighs. Luca sobs. "She's pretty, isn't she Coppola." He says choking on his words. Ezra is angry as I'm held at gunpoint and naked for people other than him to witness.

I'm looking at Ezra, crying hopelessly. He mouths "close your eyes." I breathe in and close my eyes. A bang sounds the room. I am scared to open my eyes. I'm scared to see a dead body, most of all whose dead body. I don't know what I'd do if it was Ezra on the floor. A warm shirt wraps around me and I am grasped into the embrace that makes me forgot about the world. "Keep your eyes closed." He whispers. I let him lead me out of the bathroom. When my eyes reopen we are in his office.

I cry hysterically into his arms. He strokes my arm with his hand and I flinch. "Did he touch you?" He asks. I nod crying even louder. He rocks me in his lap and hushes me as I remember how to breathe. "Good, that's it." He whispers as my breathing is under control. I hug him tight and refuse to let go.

Hours later our bathroom has been cleaned and we head up to our bedroom. "I'm not going anywhere, do you understand?" Ezra says. I nod and kiss him as the room becomes safer. "Can you please check the bathroom and closet?" I ask. He nods, "of course I will Tesoro."

He comes back to me standing in the middle of the room and states the all clear. We go to bed and snuggle together until the morning arrives.


I wake up to Ezra's hand rubbing up and down my back. "I'm going to work tesoro, I'll be in my office if you need me." He whispers. I nod and give him a sleepy smile. He kisses my forehead and sickness flies through me again.

I stand up and run to the bathroom. Throwing up into the toilet, holding my stomach. "I'll call my doctor." Ezra says whilst holding my hair. I shake my head, "I'm honestly fine, it's just a bug." "If you are sick again, he will be called." He says trying not to be angry. I nod and he makes sure I've stopped crying before he goes to work. I convince him that I'm fine.

When he leaves the room, my head spins. I have a feeling I know what this bug is. Not so much a bug, but a baby. I need a test but his bodyguards will follow me, I don't want them to know what I'm buying. I want this to be between me and Ezra.

I shower and get dressed before heading out into the landing. "Morning Mrs Coppola, no breakfast this morning?" A maid questions. I shake my head and feel sick at the thought. "No thank you." I smile. She nods and walks away.

I walk downstairs to where Ezra's office is. I knock on the door and enter as a voice welcomes me in. The room is full of men. They all turn to face me and Ezra clears his throat making them spin their heads round. "Eyes over here." He growls. "Sorry, I'll come back." I say giving him a smile. "I'll be back in a minute." He says to the men.

We walk out of the office. "Are you okay tesoro?" He asks. I nod. "Hear me out," I take his hand, "I need to go the shops, but I don't want your men following." I state. He shakes his head and won't allow it. "Ezra, please. It's a private matter." I snap. "They won't look, they respect your privacy, if they didn't they would find themselves dead." He says. "Please." I plead.

He sighs, "what's so private anyway." I nearly choke, not knowing what to say, "I'm on my period and I need products." I blurt. "Baby, that's nothing to be embarrassed about." He says. "No I know it's not, I just want privacy please." I sigh. He nods, "the best I'm going to offer is, they come but stay in the car. Ring them if you need them in the shop at any point. That's the final deal." Ezra states trying not to frown at me. I kiss him on the lips quickly before saying thank you.

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