Chapter 25

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I jump out of bed realising there are kids next door. I turn to look at where Ezra was and he wasn't there. God he must have gone to work early. I walk out of the our room and into the next. My heart drops when I see that the bed and bean bag is empty. I rush downstairs and see all three kids with Ezra. "Hello." The little girl says, grinning with chocolate sauce round her face. "Hello." I reply with a smile of relief.

The boy looks over to me and smiles. "Is this where mummy works?" He puzzled. "Yes." Ezra replied. Fernando is stood with a massive smile as he watches Ezra enjoy himself. He is helping the toddler eat as she can barely bring the fork to her mouth. You smile in awe at your husband and his extreme soft side.

You sit at one of the stools with the three kids and Ezra. "Can I get you anything Mrs Coppola?" Fernando asks. "No thank you." I reply. I look over at the children who have finished their breakfast. "Shall we go and get you guys cleaned up and dressed?" I smile. The two oldest nod with a grin and I pick up the youngest. She rested on my hip and the other daughter held my free hand.

The boy jumped on Ezra's back and giggled. He laughed back and I heard Fernando speak to Ezra. "Hey, thank you for the congratulations yesterday. It meant a lot." He says holding his hand out. Ezra shakes it, "no problem Fernando." We both walk away and I smile at Ezra as we both walk up the stairs.

"You signed the card from us both?" He puzzles. "Of course I did." I smile. We reach the bathroom and get the kids cleaned up and changed. "I'm going to go and pick Ellie up, we could drop the kiddies off at the same time?" I question. "Yeah, I'll come with you, I'll keep the kids and you concentrate on your best mate." Ezra smirks. I giggle and walk towards the car with him. We strap the children in and set off to the hospital.

I walk into the hospital and see Ellie sat in a wheelchair. "Hey, you." I say walking over to her. "Hello Mrs Coppola." She replies. "Call me Aurora." I state. She nods and the doctors discharge her. I push her out to the car and help her get in. I quickly return the wheelchair and run back to my car. I jump in and set off driving to Ellie's. I look in my wing mirror and see Ezra. I look back on the road and soon enough we reach Ellie's house.

I help her get out of the car and inside. The children follow in not to long after. "Mummy!!" They shout. "Be careful with her." I say. They all gently hug her and the toddler rests her head on her lap. "Are you sure you are going to be okay on your own?" I ask concerned. She nods, "I'll take care of her." A smile shining from her 8 year old little boy. "We will be fine, thank you for your help." She says giving a smile.

We say our goodbyes and head back home in out separate cars. I click the screen in the centre of the car and ring Ezra. "Hey Tesoro, are you okay?" He asks. "Yeah I'm good, I just thought I'd ring you." I smile, looking back in the wing mirror. "I saw that cheeky smile." He smiles back flashing his lights. I laugh through the phone and the journey goes by quickly when I realise home is in sight.

We pull up on the drive and Ezra walks inside with me. "I've got to get to work now but..." he grins, "later I am all yours." I giggle and we are about to walk our separate ways down the corridor when I realise something. "Erm Mr Coppola!" I shout. He swings around so fast and gives me a confused look. "What's wrong Tesoro?" He puzzles walking towards me. "Where was my goodbye kiss?" I pout. He giggles and stands in front of me.

"I do apologise mi amor." His soft smile decorates his face. He cups my face and kisses my lips so calm and gentle. I pull away and giggle. He smiles at me and walks to his office. I'm stood in the corridor feeling like a teenager. I cool my cheeks a little by fanning them with my hands and walk to our bedroom. I suddenly feel ill.

I collapse on the bed trying to calm by breathing. The deja vu performing in my head. I've been here before. Sickness flies through my stomach and I run to the bathroom. I throw up and cry. My sobbing is making it hard for me to breathe. I pull out my phone from my pocket and ring Ezra. "Tesoro..." is all he can say before he can hear my sobs on the other end.

"Breathe, just breathe." He says as I hear him sprinting through the house. Our bedroom door flies open. "I' here." I cry. He runs in and sees the sick in my hair. "Oh baby." He says concerned. I look at him with mascara running down my face. He grabs a bobble and ties my hair up even though it is covered in sick. He quickly washes his hands and wipes my mouth with a soft towel.

He flushes the toilet and crouches down to me. "I'm scared." I sob into his chest. "I'm right here." He whispers. It's been about ten minutes and I'm about to get into the shower. "Honestly, I'm okay. You can get back to your meeting." I say. "Only if you are sure Tesoro." He sighs. I kiss his cheek, "I'm certain." I exhale. We hug and I get into the shower just as he leaves our bedroom.

I stand in the shower for what felt like hours. Am I pregnant? If I am, where did I put all the tests I bought? Will my body reject it again? Will I be a good mum? Thoughts flew threw my head and I decided to get out of the shower. I open the cabinet and find the tests I had bought ages ago. I pee on the end of it and to pass time I get dressed.


When I return I flip it over. Positive. I smile at it as tears pool in my eyes. Was this our time? Were we going to become parents? I put the test underneath Ezra's pillow and walk downstairs. Ezra's meeting had just finished and he walked out of his office with everyone else. He turned in the opposite direction as they left the front door. Our eyes locked. "Hey sweetheart, are you feeling better?" He asks pulling me in by my waist. I nod and he brings his head down to mine so that our foreheads are touching.

"One of the kids must have given me a bug." I shrug. "Maybe... although I thought it would be you know." He sighs. I shake my head trying not to smile. "Tonight might be the night." I whisper. He nods and kisses my lips. "I hope so." He whispers back. "Me too." I sigh. I cuddle him so that my head is buried into his chest.

He places his chin and the top of my head and strokes my hair. "I love you." I say. "I love you more." He replies smirking. I shake my head trying not to laugh at this debate we always have. "I'll let you get back to work mi amor." I say. He nods and kisses my forehead before walking back to his office.

Hours pass and a sense of happiness fills my stomach as Ezra walks through our bedroom door. "How was work?" I ask. "You know, shitty." He sighs. "I need to take a quick shower because I am covered in blood." He smiles. I smile back and nod. When he enters the bathroom I quickly reach under his pillow and stuff the pregnancy test in my bra.

I knew he wouldn't find the test under his pillow but he sure would find it in my bra. I smirk to myself. His shower was quick as soon enough he was walking out the bathroom in a towel. Water dripping from his wavy brown hair. Glistening abs. His back muscles tensing as he dried himself. "You look so good pretty boy." I tease biting my bottom lip. He smirks and walks towards me in absolutely nothing. "I'll look even better in a minute when I'm next to you." He teases back.

He kisses me and I kiss him back. He walks over to the closet and puts some boxers and some pyjama bottoms on. He dives onto the bed next to me and kisses my forehead. "We can skip tonight's session, because you're not very well." He says looking at me. "I don't want to disappoint you though." I sigh trying to keep my smile at bay. "You would never disappoint me, ever." He replies holding my chin.

We are sat up in bed cuddling for a bit when i ask Ezra something, "will you do me a favour and unclip my bra please, it's digging in me." I groan. "Of course." He smiles. He unclips my bra and I feel like I can breathe. He sees something fall from my bra through my top. "What are you hiding Tesoro?" He puzzles. I smirk when he lifts up the bottom of my top. He grabs the pregnancy test and scans it quickly before looking back at me.

His eyes are filled with tears which causes me to react in the same way. "Are you serious?" He smiles. I nod and hug him. "I wanted to surprise you after a long day at work." I reply. We both stay in each others embrace for ages and he keeps kissing my head and my stomach. "I love you." He smiles softly. "I love you more." I smile back. Eventually we fall asleep and the morning soon arrives again when sickness is thrown over me.

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