Making Plans

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Monday December 2nd 1991

"Are you gonna stay for Christmas?" I ask Edith. Our friends all met up in the library to discuss the holidays.

"Im going home, my mother doesn't like the sound of me staying." Edith says. I don't really know much about Edith's family, other than the fact that she comes from a Slytherin pureblood family, who's only interest is blood status and being rich. She also had a younger sister, who will most likely be joining Hogwarts next year.

"Is anyone staying?." I ask in general. I have to stay at Hogwarts this Christmas because of Severus staying.

Neville, Ron, Harry and Dean are all staying for Christmas, meaning I won't be lonely.

"We should all have a sleepover before the holidays!" Hermione suggests.

"That's a great idea! We'd probably have to have it in the Gryffindoor common room, cause it's only me and Lilith who are Slytherins." Edith says.

"How are we supposed to do that? The boys and girls have separate dorms." Seamus asks.

"We can just have it in the common room bit." Dean replies.

"I don't like the sound of that, everyone will be watching us." Neville says.

"You do realise that only the girls staircase is enchanted right? We can go into the boys if we want." Hermione says.

"Then it's settled! We'll have a sleepover in the Gryffindoor boys dorm." Ron says.

"What do you lot think your doing yelling in the library?!" Miss Pince says to our group, in a half-whisper.

I must say, I'm not looking forward to spending Christmas without Edith, but at least some of my friends are staying.

"The password is Caput Draconis by the way." Harry says.

"Well it is useful to know the password" Edith jokes.

"You ok Nev?" I ask, trying not to gain any of our friends attention.

"Huh? Oh yeah."

"Just wondering, you've been quiet recently." Neville has barely said a word to me ever since that day in the library. I still think about it a lot. Maybe he feels the same about me?

"What are you two whispering about?" Edith asks, wiggling her eyebrows with a smirk.

"None of your business." I laugh to her. She gives me a knowing look, then continues with the conversation that's happening between everyone else.

I'm about to say something else to him, but he stands up abruptly.

"I need to go, bye." He says to the table. What was that all bout? Neville was a strange character sometimes, but this wasn't normal for him. The fact that he barely talks to me anymore does kind of hurt. But maybe he has reason.

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