Rain x Swiss - Age Regression

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So, I figured I'd do something on this because it's not talked about much in the Fandom or talked much about at all. For anyone confused, age regression is NOT age play. It is a coping mechanism so please do your research before commenting mean shit. Thank you.


Rain sometimes never felt like the... big boy everyone called him. Sometimes he felt like he couldn't do grown up things right. He couldn't drive too well, he struggled with reading, and sometimes struggled with his speech and body language when it came to expressing himself.

During tour, being out and about and around humans 24/7, he had found a coping mechanism for himself. He realized why he felt the way he did sometimes.

He just... wanted to be little again. Didn't want to have any worries or didn't want to have his busy mind weighing him down. So that's when he started regressing. First was the way he'd carry himself or talk when he was regressing, then it was small things like watching children's shows and coloring.

And of course he did this all in his privacy of his bunk or his hotel room.

Then it led to more things. Soon he was using teething toys to chew and bite on to soothe himself. Then came him sucking on his tail because the rubber toys weren't cutting it. Then the pacifier, or his nippy, as he called it. He carried sippy cups in his suitcase to use at hotels or whenever he was alone.

And his bandmates knew nothing about this.

And that's what hurt Rain the most. He wanted to tell them and to be coddled and loved on by them, but the lingering of them being disgusted held him back. So he only relied on himself to soothe his needs.

On this night, it was right after the Ritual and Rain just needed a break. He slipped away from the room where the drinks and the laughing and partying were going on and slipped into the men's bathroom, going to the handicapped stall and locking the door before sitting down and pulling out his nippy. He put the pacifier in his mouth with a relieved sigh, his eyes closing. He curled up into a ball as he sat against the wall and purred happily as he became unglamoured. His tail wagged happily as he kept his eyes closed. He soon start humming one of his favorite songs.

"Rainy?" Swiss' voice broke out, causing Rain's eyes to fly open. He looked out from underneath the bathroom stall door and saw Swiss' black boots. He was stepping closer to the stall. Rain quickly pulled his nippy out in a frenzied panick.

"Y-Yea?" He said quickly as he stood up.

"You alright in there?" Swiss asked, standing in front of the door.

"Oh- y-yea! I was just feeling a little nauseous but I feel fine now!" Rain lied quickly, stuffing his pacifier into his pocket before opening the door and coming face to face with the ghoul. Swiss' unconvinced eyes rested on Rain.

"Rain..." He spoke softly in that tone of voice that meant he just knew something was up.

"Yea?" Rain gulped.

"What's wrong. Rain, you've been acting weird all... tour long. What's going on?" Swiss said, pushing the ghoul back gently and locked the stall door.

"Wha-What do you mean?" Rain said nervously.

"You know what I mean. You tell me what's going on or so help me." Swiss said sternly, grabbing onto Rain's hips tightly. Rain gasped as he was put between a rock and a hard place.

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