031. Life in Grey/Technicolour. 🩶💛

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"So tell me you two, what's it like finally seeing colour huh?"

Nancy smiled coyly at me and Steve grinned, sighing deeply.

"Honestly? Amazing." He said.

"Aww, that's great you guys. But I was hoping you'd tell me a little more than that." I said, laughing.

"It's definitely different, from everything being that morbid shade of black and grey. Seeing people's faces, seeing my face in the mirror..... and seeing that I'm actually peach. I'm done with grey." Nancy said, as I grinned.

"Am I peach?" I asked, as Steve laughed.

"You're actually paler than I thought you'd be. You're a nice shade of pale peach." He said.

"Gee, thanks." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Oh did he tell you?! Dustin and Suzie can too. He called me from camp. He was so excited." I added, sighing.

"He did. Screamed down the phone at me." Steve said, grimacing slightly.

"It's sweet." I reasoned, as he rolled his eyes.

"Hey, you don't get to do that. You're in the same boat. Still in grey colour over here." I said, referencing myself.

"What happens when it does happen?" Nancy asked.

"I don't think it will. We're alright with that." I said.

"Are you?" Steve asked.

"Yes." I said, as they shared a look between them.

"What?" I asked.

"We know you're care about each other. You don't think it'll happen for you, but what if it does for him?" Steve asked.

"I'd let him go. If he wanted." I said.

"But he said it doesn't matter to him. I've accepted that it apparently isn't going to happen for me, so whilst we care about each other, we're staying together. Solidarity in grey." I said.

"Do you love each other?" Nancy asked.

"I care about him." I answered.

"Yeah, not what she asked, Lottie." Steve said.

"He's lovely. He's nice, he's sweet. That's okay for me." I said.

"We know that. I just think that you're twenty years old and resigning yourself that this will never happen. There's so much time!" Steve said.

"That's what I believe." I said, with a shrug.

Robin burst through the door then, a little giddy and she was a welcome distraction, as the tense conversation that I'd found myself embroiled in with Steve in particular, had abruptly come to and end and I was eternally grateful for Robin Buckley.

"So, guess who's coming back to Hawkins?" She asked, flopping down in the booth next to me.

"Santa?" I asked, feigning excitement.

"It's July." Robin said, as I stifled a laugh.

"He's not coming early then?" I asked, as she raised an eyebrow.

"Since when are you this weird?" She asked.

"Who?" I asked, as she went back to being excited.

"Eddie! He sent me a letter in the mail." She said, waving it.

"I didn't realise you two were firm friends?" Steve asked, as I shared the same sentiment.

"Yeah. We are. Anyway! He'll be here this weekend. So I was thinking we could have a little cook out, like a welcome home kind of thing." She said.

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