022. Why D'ya Only Call Me When You're High?

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"Let me get this straight, bats won't ever fly into you, because they see with their ears?"

"Correct, Munson." I said, passing him the joint back.

"And you know this, how?" He asked, his eyes like slits.

He exhaled as I smiled broadly and chuckled softly.

"The Discovery Channel." I said.

"Isn't that a song?" He asked.

"It is. Bloodhound Gang." I said.

"You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals.... So let's do it like they do on the discovery channel." He sang, before falling into a fit of stoned laughter.

"That's the one, you dork." I said, rolling my eyes.

He passed the joint back to me, and I toked on it deeply, enjoying the high, as his hand reached for my raven hair, his fingers disappearing into my locks.

"I love your hair." He said, randomly.

I turned to him and immediately felt a little less high.

Was it clarity?
I didn't know.

But what I did know, was what he was expecting to happen next; something I was growing tired of.

He always came around high, got more high with me, we'd sleep together and then the next day we'd be back to normal.

Normal was not speaking to each other in school, avoiding each other, acting like we didn't know each other. Which had reached a level for me, where it just wasn't working, any more.

I was tired of being a secret.
I wasn't sure why he wanted me to be.

He was pretty vocal about a lot of things.
Just not me.

He preferred an occasional hook up, and I was enabling that. Not wanting to feel used any more like I knew I would tomorrow, like I always did, I was planning to end it.

He didn't know I was about to, and I wasn't sure how this was going to go.

I didn't have him down as being a dick like this, and I didn't genuinely think he was.

I'd concluded that he just didn't know what he wanted, or was taking what he could get.

Which didn't really say much about me, but I was sure that deep down, he was a good person who just didn't have the faintest idea of what he was looking for or wanting.

I could tell he was nice; the way he was with me was always gentle and kind; I couldn't say that the sex we had wasn't good, because it was quite the opposite.

Amazing, even.

But feeling used was eating away at me, and the last time had taken a pretty big piece.

Enough, was enough.
It had to be.

My heart hammered in my chest as he shifted closer to me, and I pressed my hand to his chest, pushing him back.

"What's wrong, princess?" He asked, frowning slightly.

"I don't want to do that." I said.

"Do what?" He asked.

"You know what." I said, stubbing the joint out in the ashtray at my feet.

"Actually, I don't." He said, his voice lazy from his high.

"Answer me something, Eddie." I said, as he leaned towards me.

I pushed him back for a second time, and he grumbled with impatience.

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