002. Welcome Home, Nell.

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I saw her every night.

Crying in her car.
At the same time, every night.
Just crying.

I'd be on the steps of my uncle's trailer, smoking a joint at precisely the same time each night, my night time ritual.

Hers appeared to be crying against the steering wheel of her car.

I had no idea who she was.

But I watched her cry her heart out every single night and I didn't know why. I watched her, unable to tear my eyes away from her but also never making a single move to go and see if I could help her. All I knew was that she captivated me. Her sadness, her rage, her tears as she cried enthralled me in ways I couldn't necessarily verbalise.

In most ways, I silently related to her.
That was often how I felt on the inside, too.

Crying appeared to be her release, as much as smoking was mine.

She never looked over at me, she never returned my gaze nor did she ever seem to notice that I would stare at her until I'd finished my joint, before heading back inside.

She wasn't aware of anything around her, just appeared to be completely consumed in whatever grief she was experiencing.

And when I'd get into bed each night, I'd stare up at the ceiling wondering what could possibly be making the beautiful woman in the car cry so much and cry every night.

She cried as though her entire world was ending.
Maybe it was.


"Listen up sheep's, I have something I need to hash out with you." I said the next day, at lunch.

"If this is about me asking to postpone, I'll never ask again." Dustin said.

"It's not that." I answered.

"If this is about not finding a sub for Lucas, we really tried." Mike said.

"It's not about that either." I said.

"If it's about the $20 I owe you, I'll have it this week." Gareth said.

"JESUS H CHRIST! Just shut up and listen, it's not about that either." I cried, frustrated.

"Ok..." Jeff said, a little wide eyed.

"For the last couple of months, when I smoke before bed..... I've continuously seen this woman crying in her car. Every single night, parked in the same spot. Just crying." I said.

"Weird...." Dustin said.

"I literally watch her, and she never so much as looks my way. Doesn't see me, when I'm blatantly sitting there. It's like she cannot see anything else past whatever she's going through." I continued.

"And when you say crying...." Mike said.

"I mean, really crying. Like her entire world has crumbled and there's no hope left. She's practically distraught... bereft." I interjected.

"And she never notices you?" Gareth asked.

"Nope. I'm in her line of sight every night, the trailer porch light is on, practically lights me up like a beacon but no, she never sees me." I said.

"But you see her." Mike said.

"Every time." I answered, with certainty.

"I mean if a stranger was staring at me whilst I was having a breakdown in my car, I think I'd have something to say at least." Dustin said.

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