006. Vanessa II

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Six months on.

The blissful months had rolled by, and recently myself and Eddie had made the ultimate commitment and had become the happiest husband and wife anyone had ever seen.

I was officially now a Munson, like my son and his father.

We were now the Munson family, and I was absolutely, irrevocably in love with that sentiment alone.

Vanessa Mae Munson.

And with a beautifully simple diamond and white gold engagement ring now sitting snug on my finger, accompanied by a simple white gold wedding band, I felt that my life was complete.

Teddy was seven months old and the happiest baby ever.

The cure had worked for the most part, but there had been some residual effects that had appeared over time.

I could still walk and be in the sun, but when angered my eyes would change from blue to the vampire black they'd been.

I still had perfect aim and tracking, and again if angered, which wasn't very often, I was pretty strong in addition to the change of eye colour.

There were remnants of what I used to be, but I could still walk in the sun and so I was okay with that.

Eddie had reconnected with his band mates and at one of their gigs at the Hideout, they'd been poached and signed to an independent record label.

It wasn't a huge label but it meant that Eddie got to do what he loved again; playing guitar.

His dream was always to be a rockstar, and it was an honour to see that going well for him.

And so for the next month, I was at home with Teddy, whilst his talented daddy toured the states.

Hunting season was due which I'd cleave some of my earnings back on, and so I'd been afforded some time off, using annual leave for the most part. The rest I was taking unpaid. Eddie had been sending me money to keep us going whilst he was away, so it was working okay.

Fortunately, I had a decent boss who cared about his employees.

Hopper still visited, mainly to see Teddy and had already coined himself the title of "Grandpa Hop".

Though I'd never tell him, it was a title that warmed my heart immensely. He was great with him, and it was good to see him happy.

My life was perfect. All I needed now was for Eddie to be back home with us, with stories to tell about his time on the road.

Hurry home, Daddy.

"Ness, is that you?"

I was standing in the baby aisle of the grocery store, poring over several brands of nappies.

Teddy was strapped into the seat of the shopping cart, happily drooling over his favourite toy, a teddy comforter affectionately known as Binky.

I turned to the source of the voice to find Jason Carver staring wide eyed at me, a crate of beers under one arm.

"Hey." I said, neutrally.

"I wasn't expecting to see you." Jason said, trying to blink his surprise away.

"Don't worry, I'm used to that. It's not very often that someone is declared dead and then shows up a while later." I said, nonchalant.

"Your parents told mine that you died during the quake." He said.

Oh yeah, the 'quake'.

"Easily explained. I was missing and declared dead." I said, with a shrug.

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