017. NINE

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"Jesus Christ, I didn't think that was really going to work." I said.

"You always underestimate me." Dustin said, with disdain.

"You know I think you're the smartest kid around." I argued, rolling my eyes.

"And my favourite little butthead." I added, as Steve groaned with impatience.

And a hint of jealousy.

"Yeah this is all really touching, but we need to go through there. So who's first?" Steve asked, as we all looked at each other.

When no one answered, I groaned slightly.

"Seeing as there's no volunteers, I guess I'll go." I said, as they all moved aside.

"See you on the other side." I said, praying this would both hold and work.

I climbed the sheet ladder and as I emerged through the hole on the other side, I suddenly turned the opposite way around and got sucked straight down by some weird gravity.

"That was trippy." I said, as I landed on the mattress.

Someone suddenly outstretched their hand to me, and it wasn't anyone I knew; it was no one that any of us knew

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Someone suddenly outstretched their hand to me, and it wasn't anyone I knew; it was no one that any of us knew.

I didn't know the face; I didn't recognise them.

"Who are you?" I asked, as she stared down at me.

The first thing I noticed, was her eyes.
Big ocean blue, doe eyes.

I noticed her raven black hair, pale complexion with a few freckles and her cute little rosebud lips.

And she was quite cute.
Real pretty.

"We've never met." She said, her hand still outstretched to me.

"Eddie man, what's going on?" Steve called.

"Uhm..... There's someone here." I called back.

She retreated slightly and shook her head.

"I'm not gonna hurt any of you." She said.

I scrambled to my feet, stepping off the mattress and as Steve climbed down the sheer ladder, she took another step back as I stared at her.

"Woah, you weren't kidding." Steve said.

She held her hands up in defence and I realised that we were standing pretty defensive and it was causing her to be cautious of us.

"How did you get here?" Steve asked.

"The gate on the road." She said.

"Who are you?" Steve asked.

"Steady man, she's not on trial." I said, as Steve's demeanour immediately softened.

"Sorry." He said, as Nancy climbed down behind me.

I helped her up off the mattress and she was startled by this new girls presence.

Eddie Munson - A Collection of One-Shots!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя