028. The Watcher & His Witch.

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Year 1210.

He stepped down off his horse, as I was tending to the herbs in my garden.

His eyes immediately travelled to the hitched part of my skirt, that I'd tucked into the waistband, my boot clad feet pressed firmly into the ground to steady myself as I pulled on a dandelion root.

I sighed softly, rising to my feet.

"Not often someone like you frequents these parts." I remarked, as he stood at the gate, looking all around him.

"I need herbs." He said, his voice gruff.

"Well that is all I grow and sell from here, so that was quite obvious." I noted, as he cleared his throat.

"Potion, or spell?" I asked, when he didn't answer.

He stood with his hands clasped in front of him, shaggy brown hair to his shoulders, partially tied back from his face, deep brown eyes and a chiseled jaw.

His armour was shiny, regal looking, with tan leather hunting boots on his feet.

A medallion around his neck, of a white bear, not native to these parts.

"You're a hunter." I said.

"Of sorts." He replied.

"No, you're a watcher, from the White Bear Court." I corrected, as his jaw clenched.

"How did you know?" He asked.

"Folks don't dress like you around here." I said.

"My attire gave me away?" He asked.

"Your medallion too." I said, with a nod.

"And your aura." I continued.

"You're a witch?" He asked.

"I grow herbs, I live in a shack on the edge of the village, and the roof of my house is scorched. What do you think?" I asked, chuckling softly.

"They come here, to buy from you, spells, potions and such. But they're afraid of you." He said.

"I can help them with a lot of things, but yes. They don't like it." I said.

"And they've tried to torch your home?" He asked, still standing outside of the gate.

"Angry customer. Boils on his cock didn't miraculously disappear overnight. I told him that in order for it to work, he had to stop sticking it in his farm animals for at least a week. Everyone around here knew he was doing it, but he blamed the village whores." I said, as to my surprise, he chuckled.

"So he tried to torch my house." I continued.

"Does he still have boils?" He asked.

"He'll have them for a lot longer now." I remarked, giving him a knowing look.

"I'm just here for herbs." He said, unclasping his hands to raise them in surrender.

"Ain't here to cross you." He added, sounding amused.

"In order for me to gather what you want, you'll need to come in, you know, past the actual gate?" I suggested, with a small smirk.

"Do you have somewhere I could bed down for the night?" He asked.

"There's a small hut around the back. You can stay there." I said.

"I'll pay you handsomely." He insisted.

"Money only takes me so far. You have anything to trade?" I asked, as he turned to his horse.

"There might be a few things in my nap sack." He said.

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