Stoppping el macho

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Gru makes his way up the road leading to El Macho's house. He and wolf are wearing handcuffs, and being led at spear-point by Dave and Stuart, who have been painted purple to look like Evil minions. But they are goofing around and giggling. And they still have a few yellow spots, Diane pulled her mask on.

"Hey, guys. Come on! Stay focused here!" The minions somber up.

"Sorry about them" wolf turns to Diane.

"Okay, okay" Gru covers a smeared yellow spot with purple paint.

They approach the front gate, which is closed. Then they go over the plan.

"Ok we'll keep him distracted" wolf says.

"Right, I'll try to find a way in" she blends with the shadow and scams around the hideout for a secret entrance in.

Dave boosts himself onto a stray box and speaks gibberish into the intercom. He hears Evil Minion gibberish in response. He responds back in Evil Minion gibberish.

The intercom buzzes and the gate begins to open.

The gate opens and there are DOZENS of PURPLE MINIONS milling about. They eye Gru and his captors suspiciously.

Dave and Stuart poke Gru with a spear. Then wolf nudge Gru.

"Curses. Foiled again. These guys captured me"

"Oh nice acting" wolf says with sarcasm, But The Evil Minions CHEER at seeing this.

Gru, Dave and Stuart have to walk all the way to the house surrounded on all sides by evil purple minions. The painted yellow minions are very nervous. The purple minions eye them as they pass. They GROWL and the yellow minions attempt to GROWL back.

It's extremely intense, but it looks like they're going to make it.

Then one of the evil minions makes a slobbery raspberry at one of the painted ones. They get into a raspberry fight until the painted minion is grossed out and tries to rub the slobber off him. It rubs off the purple paint.

One of the evil purple minions points and SCREAMS. They're exposed! All of the purple minions run towards Gru, Dave and Stuart. Teeth bared. Ready to chomp.

"Run!" They take off running.

Gru and the yellow minions burst into El Macho's backyard. The Evil Minions give chase.

"Up that tree! Hurry, hurry!"

They climb a tree up to the roof of the house, only to be pursued by more minions up there. And the Evil Minions have devoured the tree so they can't go back that way either.

With no escape, Gru and the minions run up a tower until they reach the top--a dead end.

Here come the purple minions. They're trapped. Gru kicks them away and the yellow minions try to fight off the purple ones. But they are clearly doomed.

"What do we do know Gru!" Wolf asked.

"I suppose now, this is good bye, so long wolf it was nice knowing you"

"Bye Gru, and hey I'm sorry about everything, I should've told you about AVL but I didn't think-"

"I would've supported your decision"


"Well your right I should've supported your decision, I'm sorry"

But then Gru's ship appears hovering above them! Modified as a jelly-dispensing weapon and with Dr. Nefario at the controls! The minions hang on the sides holding JELLY BLASTERS.

THE BAD GUYS IN: Despicable me 2Where stories live. Discover now