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Snow and ice as far as the eye can see. What looks like a windowless military base surrounded by barbed wire fences sits in the middle of the wasteland.


At the guard Gate, two Russian guards play poker using an overturned barrel as a table.

Russian Guard 1 shows a five of diamonds... and four Aces.

  The other Guard folds. Russian Guard 1 laughs and drags in the pile of coins.

While he speaks In Russian and does a celebratory dance, the coins fly up into the air. Russian Guard 1 stops dancing and sees that the coins are gone. He accuses the other Guard of stealing them. Russian Guard 2 swears he didn't take them.

  Russian Guard 1 grabs a shovel and wields it menacingly, until it flies up into the air. They both look up to see where it's gone.

Then the metal barrel they were using as a
table flies up, knocking them over.

  Russian Guard 2 looks up to see a gigantic Magnet Ship Lowering down from above And Hovering over The Laboratory.

A watchtower guard shouts. A door below opens as a bunch of Guards run out and point their guns at the magnet ship.

Then...WOOSH! All of their guns are pulled up towards the ship, including the guards themselves, who are strapped to their guns.

A snowmobile lifts off the ground and flies up to the magnet.

Other vehicles and small buildings begin to pull away from the ground.

Then--The entire Lab Starts To Get Pulled Up Out Of The Ground.

  CLANK! The lab makes contact with the ship. It flies up and down, shaking the scientists and guards off.

They fall to the ground. The magnet ship flies away with their lab, vehicles, and weapons.

  The remaining guards and scientists are strewn across the snow with the remnants of the damaged base.

We see a porta-potty door open. A Confused Guard is sitting on the can reading a newspaper, having missed the entire incident. He closes the door.


Security footage of the research station named PX LABS being carried away by the magnet ship plays on the screens at AVL Headquarters.

  We see the back of several heads watching the footage. There's a heavy sigh.

"Three weeks and we're still no closer to cracking this? No response"

"Right... bring them in"
  "Yes, sir"

"On it" another female says.

THE BAD GUYS IN: Despicable me 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora