Meet the Perez

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Wolf and gru decided to go in eagle's hair club.

"All right, we're going in" wolf says.

"Good luck you guys" Diane says.

"And remember If it picks up any traces of the
serum the sensor in your belt buckle--"

"You could've made something smaller" wolf says who feels uncomfortable about the belt.

"It's the only thing we got" Lucy answered.

Gru activates the high-tech scanning device on his belt buckle.


Lucy and Diane are in the cupcake shop monitoring the scanning device results. She can hear him and see from his POV.

"It'll will make a sound like this-- MEE-MO-MEE-MO-MEE-MO!!!"

"Okay! I get it! I get it!"

"Ok Lucy I think he gets it"

Gru fumbles with the automatic door, "uh gru...stop" wolf stops him and they see it was one of the slide doors, then they enters Eagle Hair Club.

"Welcome to Eagle Hair Club"

At the reception desk, a large chair shaped like an eagle spins around. Sitting in the chair is Floyd, looking sinister and petting a furry object that looks like a cat.

"It's about time you showed up...Mr. Gru and mr. Wolf" His pet bold Eagle perched next to him squawks.

"You...know my name?"

"When someone moves into the mall who is follically challenged, I make it my business to know all about them. You are bald. And that is bad"

Wolf looks at the furry thing in his hand trying to guess what it is.

"Is that cat or something?" He pointed.

"It's a toupee" He strokes the furry object. Kisses it. Then places it on a mannequin Head. It's a Toupee.

"There you go, my sweet"


Lucy monitors the chem-tracking device from inside the shop.

"I'm getting nothing so far. I think you need to move around" Gru and wolf listens in on the headphones.

He steps over to a wall on which hangs a painting of Floyd flying with eagles.

"Wow, this looks interesting. What is it?"

Gru thrusts his hips at the painting. Floyd watches him, suspicious.

"I take it you're an art lover?"

"No serum"

"Yeah, not so much"

"Gru over here" He walks over to wolf who was at a podium with a trophy. He thrusts his hips at that, too.

" Oh, how about this impressive trinket?"

"I'd hardly call it a trinket, Mr. Gru"


"The International--"

"Yeah, I don't care" Floyd grumbles in frustration.

Gru moves to a shelf filled with wig Samples. He straddles it.

"MEE-MO-MEE-MO-MEE-MO!!! Hold on.
I'm picking up something! Behind that wall!"

"Ah! And what do we have here?" Floyd grabs a sample.

"These are my trial wigs" he holds out a wig to Gru. "You should take one" Gru sticks his head into the shelf to investigate.

THE BAD GUYS IN: Despicable me 2Where stories live. Discover now