Where are the minions

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Gru and Lucy sit across from Silas at headquarters.

"I'm sorry, El Macho? Hadn't we eliminated him as a suspect? After the whole salsa incident?"

"Yes, but there has been a new development, and I'm telling you, this is the guy"

"Yep lock him up" wolf says.

"You need to arrest him immediately. And his deviously charming son. I'm pretty sure that the son is involved, too. The son also. You've got to get the son" Gru approaches Silas.

"I think that the son is the mastermind. There's a look. There's a devilish look in his eyes and I don't like it!"

"Yes, but I don't really see any evidence for--"

"What more evidence do you need, it's obvious him" wolf says.

"Yeah, Evidence schmevidence! I go with my gut, and my gut tells me that this guy is El Macho! Lock him up! Lock up the son. Don't forget about the son. The kid gives me the creeps!"
Silas takes a deep breath and rubs his temples.

"Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear..."

Diane is worried so Lucy jumps in, trying to save the situation.

" Uh, but, on the less......"crazy" side of things, uh-"

"Gru discovered traces of the serum at Eagle Hair Club" Diane finished for her giving her an annoyed look.


"Yeah, and you know who made that happen? Huh?" She points to Gru and wolf.

"This guys. Nailed it. Amazing, right?"

"No. I mean, sure, but it's not him. It is......El Macho"

"Mr. Gru. Please--"

"No. It is him! And I will prove it!" And Gru storms out, "COME on wolf it seems like we're on our own"

"Gru, c'mon!" Once he's gone, Silas gives Lucy a look.

"He really thinks it's El Macho.Can you tell?"

Silas is not amused, but Diane was concerned about wolf. So she immediately rushes over to him.

"Hey" she stops him.

"I know Silas Can be a bit...but of a challenge but he just want to bring whoever is planning this down"

"Hey I hear you, Gru's just concerned for the girls that's all but we know it's el macho, we can prove it"

Then Diane gets an idea, "you know I think we got off on the wrong foot, what do you say we stay over"

"Ok" wolf sighs.

"Dinner tonight, my treat"

"What?" Wolf was surprised.

The minion with the popsicle stuck to his tongue wakes up on a beach, disoriented. He slowly sits up----and sees hundreds of minions partying!

This is where all the abducted minions were taken!

There are minions sitting at a Tiki bar, being tended by a bartender minion...

...The French maid minion and a ukelele-playing minion are dancing in the sand. They wave at him...

Meanwhile, Jerry approaches the popsicle minion with two bananas. He gives him one, does a Hawaiian dance with the other, then runs off for the water. Popsicle minion tears off his overalls and follows suit.


The Popsicle Minion, now nude, runs across the sand and jumps into a clear, blue ocean. We pull back to reveal that unbeknownst to any of the minions, this is all happening inside a large terrarium, and they are being watched by a mysterious figure in silhouette.

Gru sits with his laptop. He's on the eVillain site. He clicks through various images of El Macho. Edith chases Kevin, who has the wig in his mouth. A minion sets a stack of magazines on the coffee table.

Then "YOU ARE NO LONGER CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET" appears on Gru's screen. He grimaces and calls out.

"Kevin, the wi-fi's out! Kevin?" He looks to the minion at the coffee table.

"Hey, Lance! Where the heck is Kevin?"  The minion just shrugs and walks away.

"Alright, we need to revisit the number of vacation days you guys get. I can't find anybody anymore!"

But then he sees wolf all dressed up, he was wearing a white tuxedo with a black shirt and a purple tie.

"Whoa, where do you think you're going?"

"I got a date" he seemed happy about it.

"A date!"

"Yeah, with Diane"

"Whoa the fox from the VNL, why?

"Well it wasn't my idea, she offered, you should give it a try, it'll do you some good"

"Thanks but I'm good"

Wolf shrugs as he heads to the door then DING-DONG! Someone's at the door. Gru turns to it.

"Ugh, what is it now did you forget something"

But it was Jillian with a dare for him.

"Gru! It's Jillian!" Gru pretends to shoot himself.

"I've got good news!"

Jillian and her artificially beautiful friend SHANNON stand outside on Gru's porch. Shannon texts on her phone, looking bored.

" I have my friend Shannon here with
me! I was thinking you two could get some grub, you know, tear it up! See what happens!"

"Uhh, open up!"

He sees Agnes walking by, singing softly and playing with her unicorn. He whisper-shouts to her.

"Agnes! Agnes! Tell Jillian I'm not here!" Agnes turns to the door.

"Gru's not here!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! He just told me!"

Gru, panicking, shakes his head and wags his fingers.

"I mean no, he didn't just tell me!"

"Agnes--where is Gru?" Gru makes the "zip your lips" gesture.

"He's putting on lipstick!" Gru waves his arms.

"He's swatting at flies!"

Gru waves his hand around his throat, making a "cut it off" gesture.

"He's...chopping his head off!" Gru clenches his fists and grunts in frustration.

"He's...pooping?" Outside, Jillian and Shannon look confused.

"I know you're in there, Gru! There's no way you're getting out of this!"

Kyle enters the room, carrying the bag with the wig in his mouth, he raised his eyebrows.

THE BAD GUYS IN: Despicable me 2Where stories live. Discover now