"What?!" Zoro and Sanji shouted in the same tone of shock.

"Why is it so high?" Chopper cried out.

"It isn't good to have a high one!!" Nami shouted to the deer as the snake and the three swimmers continued going across the river.

The rest of the group reluctantly follows as they begin to swim, when suddenly a giant catfish pops up out of the water, and stares them down.

"That's a Sandora Rarecat fish! It's one of the rarest fishes in Alabasta!" Vivi drops her jaw at the sight of the giant grey fish.

"Why does he look like he want ta eat us?" Anamaria asked the princess with a sweat drop as Sable froze momentarily. Vivi looks at her in shock, before she looks at giant fish, that's opening its mouth for them.


"YOU SHOULD'VE SAID THAT SOONER!" Usopp cries out, hooking his arms tighter around the snake's thick torso as Sable started swimming as fast as she could.

Anamaria, Sanji and Zoro struggled to match the reptile's speed before Ana looks back to see the fish going after them and about to take a bite. However, before he can, he suddenly gets knocked out by a mysterious force, and floats on the surface as if he's dead.

She and the others look in shock to see a number of shadows swarming them, just below the surface, but relief washes over them when they see that they're the kung fu dugongs, that Luffy took as his pupil.

More dugongs jumped onto the catfish, that they knocked out, and waved their flippers for the crew to climb aboard. The three remaining swimmers quickly gets the message, and climbs onto the fish. Sanji helps Anamaria onto one of them receiving a smile from her.

They look around to see the dugongs surrounding the fish. The martial artists start pushing the fish from all angles, including pulling the catfish by the whiskers, in order to take them to the opposite side of the stream. Chopper gets near the tip of the head, to listen to the leading dugong that's speaking to the crew.

"He says 'don't worry, we won't let our fellow students die. When you see master again, give him our regards'"

"Huh? But we're not Luffy's students" Vivi raises an eyebrow at the translation.

"Doesn't matter. At least we made it" Nami shrugs it off as she relaxes on her spot.

"Yea, alright dugongs, let's go!" Usopp grins, as he steps to the top of Sable's head as the dugongs reached them, and points ahead.

The dugongs cheer in agreement, as they bring the fish to the opposite side of the river. As soon as they make it to the Alubarnan coastline, the crew's saviours bid their friends goodbye.

"Thank you!" Vivi says as she waves them off along with the others.

"Think we can make it in time Vivi?" Zoro looks to see the capital city Alubarna in the distance, but it's miles away from where they're standing.

"I'm not sure. It might be possible with Eyelashes' help" the princess looks at the distant city, then turns to Eyelashes.

"Sable is gettin' tired and it looks like its getting hard for 'er to carry so many people at once" Anamaria said as the mentioned snake flattened against the ground forcing Nami, Vivi, Usopp and Chopper to jump off of her.

"Yea, but would we really be fast enough to...?!" Nami looks over the camel with a hint of worry on her face. She stops her question, when she sees something running towards them "What's that?"

Usopp follows Nami's gaze, then starts trembling with fear as it turns out that it's a group coming towards them.

"Is it Baroque Works?!" the sniper asks. Vivi widens her eyes at the group when she gets a closer look to recognize Carue, along with six other ducks just like him coming towards them.

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