Embarrassed, I shook my head, and in a daze I pointed to a thick tree standing next to me. Then the enormously thick tree tumbled over with another roar.

“…That’s not a big deal, you say.”

Because I wasn’t able to control the strengthened Ciel’s blessing.

“There was a reason for your confidence.”

It seemed that he had already concluded it as my own achievement.

His eyes darkened as he looked at me. Deep curiosity that touches me desperately.

“Who are you?”

It was a different question from when the rock was purified.

The night wind was blowing over the lake. It gently tickled my hair.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟

The next morning, I was walking alone in the lord’s castle.

Currently, I’m in a very disturbed state. The reason was that I was misunderstood as a munchkin who hid my power so far from the most ferocious male lead in the original story I had read.

I explained that this was also a type of holy power, yet Kyle didn’t believe it.

“Good night. When I return to the Imperial Palace, I will ask for sparring.”

Told you, not in that category!

I’m a saintess, not a munchkin.

Jumping up, he took me to the inn.

Kyle seems to be strangely isolating himself even among people, though he seems to have looked at me with the kind of eyes he uses to see his own people.

Phew, I sighed and shook my head, trying to shake off yesterday’s events.

[The God of Knowledge, Hessed, is curious about what happened in the mine.]

[The God of Justice, Hetuse, is curious about what happened in the mine.]

Then, looking at the floating oracle window from earlier, I said sternly.

“If you don’t intend to tell me the second part of the prophecy, don’t even ask.”

Then the oracle window went silent.

I don’t know whether they’re angry or they shouldn’t talk about it.

The only clue to the ‘prophecy’ given by the Gods was the illusion seen through the emotion at that time.

However, I hadn’t yet been able to conclude that Camilla was the woman in the fantasy.

“…You will have to take responsibility for half of the loss.”

It was when I was immersed in complicated thoughts and was frowning at the oracle.

A man’s voice was heard from somewhere.

I looked in the direction where the voice came from and turned my head. Then I saw two men sitting at a tea table in the garden. One was the lord, and the other was the neatly dressed Cass.

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