With desperation violently rising in you, you tapped on the barrier with your open palm. The sound was muffled by the liquid surrounding you and the limited strength your frail arm held, and so you went at it again.

One more time.


And again.

You winced at every strike, feeling the small feathers over your hands break and bruise but you could not care in your distress.

"What's wrong with her?"

Stopping at Wolfwood's words, a hope lighting in you as you saw him turn to glance at you, you pressed yourself as close as possible to the glass.

It's me! It's Luck! Wolfwood! Vash!

But even if you tried to shout to them, not a single sound came out of your throat. It was a stagnating silence that dealt a destructive blow to you.

You could not speak.

The realization struck you hard, your body tensing in a single moment. You tapped against the invisible barrier with renewed hopelessness. You needed Vash to look at you. He would surely recognize you; he would surely remember you. Right?

"There's nothing! Dammit!"

Wolfwood tore his pensive eyes from you towards an exasperated Vash that had just slammed his fist on the panel and was now simply standing there, as if in defeat.

His shoulders were slouched over and he was looking down, fists clenched over the panel he used to keep himself standing, his figure looking absolutely exhausted. Your heart ached at seeing him like that

"Ok. Then we're getting off- we still have that lead in Inepril."

The priest firmly grasped the blond criminal by his shoulder and begun harshly pulling him towards the exit. The latter said nothing, his body following without a struggle, as if he had been drained of all energy by the futility of his search.

But as the two men were making their way out of the room and further away from you, panic washed over you. You pounded on the glass with both your hands frantically, throwing what body weight you had in each strike and even kicking at it. The liquid around you begun taking an even deeper shade of pink as feathers were broken and ripped off, letting wounds bleed into the bulb.

However, even all your efforts only earned you a glance from Wolfwood over his shoulder as he kept walking ahead. He frowned at you, and as you silently screamed at him, you saw him hesitate for a second.

"Weren't you supposed to do something about her?"

Vash seemed to be reminded of your presence, as if he hadn't even registered it the whole time he had been there, even through your tantrum. He slowed down his pace until he came to a stop turning on his heels to look at you.

You felt a rush of heat flood your body from your chest where your heart beat vigorously as you caught his gaze. Even through the layers of deep exhaustion that glazed his eyes, and the emptiness that haunted them as he glanced over you, you still found the hints of the softness they used to hold; a reprieve you'd missed so dearly.

"I didn't have time to get to her...She had just overexerted herself before, I don't know why she's like this now..."

A loud voice echoed over the room through an intercom system: booming words you could not make sense of as the world around you was crashing down.

Vash! It's me! Vash!

Your lips quivered as you cried the silent words, your eyes stinging as you felt like your chest was collapsing on itself at the distance you found in Vash's eyes as he looked at you a moment more before turning away once more.

"Ghost" Trigun x readerWhere stories live. Discover now