Chapter Seventy-Seven

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Chapter Seventy-Seven: Vigilante Shit

Steve pulled off at a random field so they could get prepped and ready to fight Vecna. They all talked through a plan and everything, assigning roles almost.

Lucas, Erica, Max, and Annie were going to be at the Creel house on their side. They were the distraction and the next step notifiers.

Dustin and Eddie would be at Eddie's trailer in the Upside Down. They were to distract all the demo bats to keep them from keeping the older teens from completing their task.

Nancy, Robin, and Steve would be at the Creel house in the Upside Down. And their task?

Kill Vecna.

These roles led to them all trying to prep and make their weapons. Max and Annie sat near Nancy and watched her saw the end off the shotgun she purchased. Well, they weren't just observing. They were holding onto the shotgun and the box it sat on, keeping it still for Nancy.

"Are you okay by the way? I'm sorry I didn't speak up at all when that asshole was bothering us, you just... you seemed to handle it well enough. I really just focused stabbing him if he moved the wrong way."

Annie snorted at Max's words. "Don't worry, I picked up on the knife in your hand, ready to get stabby. And he was handled, just freaked me out a bit," Annie admitted.

Nancy's eyebrows scrunched together and she took a second to look over at the girls. "I'm sorry none of us jumped in sooner," she said. Annie had always sort of felt like another little sister to Nancy, and Max had fallen into that category, too.

The brunette shrugged and seemingly brushed it off. "It was fine. He gave me the 'all bark no bite' type pretty quick. Still shook me up, but he also didn't cause a hassle when we were leaving."

Max frowned. "I'm still freaked about how they were all just... there," she said. "Like one minute, we're having fun just throwing shit into the cart, the next we feel surrounded by people who'd want us dead if they knew what we were doing."

Annie nodded along. "Jason... I could see him staring down the back of the RV as we drove off. Now I know there's, like, no way he could know it was us... but it freaked me out," Annie said.

Nancy and Max didn't respond, not knowing how to. Neither of them liked the sound of that. Jason watching them. Knowing where they went, despite the fact that he would have no way of knowing it was them. Both of them knew Annie was smart enough not to be seen through the window.

After a while of it being quiet, Max asked Nancy, "Is this legal?"

"Actually," Nancy started, keeping her eyes on the sawing, "I think it's a felony."

"Right," Max said while Annie let out a short laugh.

"But, it guarantees one thing," Nancy continued.

Annie drew her brows together. "What?"

"I won't miss." As if timed, Nancy pulled the saw away and used it to smack the long barrel of the gun. It came right off, and now they had a sawed-off shotgun. Annie wanted to say at one point or another she heard about how dangerous they were.

And that's exactly what they needed. Dangerous.

Annie took in a deep breath and removed her hands from their steadying position, looking up at the others around her. A smile came to her face as she watched Dustin and Eddie wrestling around. He was the brother Dustin didn't have.

Well, at a time, so was Steve. Annie hoped the two of them still got along, because every now and then she got the jealous vibe from Steve. He had Annie, of course, but he felt so proud to have Dustin look up to him. It honestly made him try a bit harder to be better.

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