Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven: The Moment I Knew

The next morning was the weekend, Saturday. Annie and Steve slept in for a bit until Steve got her up. "What, what do you want?" she grumbled into her pillow, fighting off Steve's attempt to pull her out of bed.

"Come on, Annie, we're going out!" he replied and finally just pulled the covers off her bed.

Annie gasped at the sudden cold air and curled up into a ball. "Asshole," she muttered, still not opening her eyes. "Why do I have to go out with you? What are you even doing?" she asked, finally accepting she wouldn't be going back to sleep. "I swear if it's for some dumb errand I'll shave that glorious head of hair of yours."

Happy with his results, Steve set the covers back on the foot of her bed. "Please don't touch the hair. As for the day, well, I'm starting out by getting flowers for Nancy and going over there-"

"If you say to apologize I'm going to sock you in the jaw," Annie interrupted.

"What's wrong with that?" Steve asked, offended.

Annie sighed and got out of her bed, pushing past Steve. "Many things. Let's start with you have nothing to apologize for. Another is that she treated you like sh- crap," she explained as she went over to her closet to pull out her outfit for the day.

Steve sighed and sat on Annie's bed, putting his head in his hands. He ran a hand through his hair then looked up at his sister. "But shouldn't I anyway? I mean, I feel like I still love her..."

There it was. Annie, who has never been in a relationship ever, moved back over to Steve and sat next to him on the bed. "Steve, I know you do, but she doesn't. It's hard but you need to let her move on and stop hurting yourself. I feel like that's the only thing that will happen if you try and apologize to her."

For a moment, no words were spoken as Steve let her advice sink in. "Damn, since when did you become so wise?" he asked her.

Annie got back up and smiled at him. "I've always been wise, I have no idea what you mean," she answered and went back to her closet. "Now get out, I'll be down in fifteen."

Steve left and let his sister get ready. While he was waiting for her, he decided to get her some snacks for the road since she wouldn't have time to eat breakfast. Would it be breakfast or lunch at this point?

About fifteen minutes later, Annie came down and the siblings went out to the car. Annie happily ate her snacks as they drove off, still going to the flower shop. Steve avoided her glare as he went in then came back with a bouquet of roses in his hand.


"Shut up, I've got a plan."

Annie sighed and rolled her eyes, holding onto the bouquet for Steve. Her mind was itching to talk about Max but she didn't want to bother Steve when he clearly had his own dilemma with Nancy. Maybe that kind of conversation wasn't what he needed at the moment.

Instead, she thought about the rest of the day. "So, what's the plan for the rest of the day? Or is there much of a day left after your plan with Nancy?"

Rather than rolling his eyes, Steve just laughed. "Yes, there will be day left after I talk to Nancy. I'm thinking we go have an actual meal at that diner, not just the snacks you've had this morning, and then rent a movie or two."

It's not that Annie hated this plan, in fact it sounded like an awesome day with her brother, but she was a bit confused. They have a good relationship but it's not like they hung out that much that often. The other night watching the movie and eating take out was more their speed, not hanging out for half the day.

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