Chapter Five

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Chapter Five: Champagne Problems

Annie's legs pumped as she sprinted down the hallway, slamming into the doors to open them. Her eyes didn't deceive her- the figure out in the field was Will. And he didn't look so good.

"Will!" Annie yelled, running over to him. When she got there- right in front of him- she saw that he stood completely frozen in place. "Will?" She started lightly shaking his shoulders. She tried calling his name again. Nothing was making him move.

A second later, Mike and Lucas were running out of the school. "Will!" Annie's head turned quickly to see the boys approaching. "What the hell happened to him?" Mike asked amusingly when he got there.

"I- I don't know! I saw him out here like this and he's not moving or responding! What's wrong with him, what's going on?" Annie yelled at them. She was scared. Mike and Lucas shared a look, clearly knowing what was going on with him. "What's happening?" she yelled again.

They ignored her. "Go get the others, I'll stay here with him," Mike told Lucas, who nodded and ran back inside. Finally, he looked at Annie. "Go! This doesn't involve you!"

Annie's jaw dropped wide open. "The hell do you mean by that? I found him like this and I used to actually be friends with him- how does it not concern me! Besides, I refuse to leave until I know he's okay!" she nearly screamed in his face.

She was dead tired of being walked on, especially by Mike Wheeler. He had been getting on every last nerve, even almost making her cry and that was a huge no in her book.

"'Used' to be, meaning not anymore! You're just going to get in the way!" Mike yelled back at her.

"I'm. Not. Going." Annie looked away from the pissed look on Mike's face and back to Will. He was scaring her. She tried shaking him lightly again, calling out his name to see if he responds.

Suddenly, people were sprinting out of the school, and Annie recognized Mrs. Wheeler to be one of them. "I just found him like this!" Annie yelled at them as they all approached.

"I think he's having another episode," Mike followed up. Annie looked at him, confused on what the hell that was supposed to mean.

Annie finally moved out of the way when Will's mom came barreling to him. She started doing some of the same things Annie had and she could cry at the desperation in Mrs. Byers' voice.

Somehow, Annie found herself right beside Max again, holding onto her trying her best not to cry. "Oh god..." Annie whispered as nothing worked on helping Will.

Max held onto Annie, too, just as scared as she was. She had no idea what the hell was going on, didn't know what would cause something like this. Her brain tried to come up with explanations for this 'episode', like possibly PTSD from disappearing last year. She bets that would be pretty awful.

Will's eyes suddenly opened and he gasped, scaring Annie and causing her to gasp as well. Everyone stood still for a moment, not knowing what to do. Mrs. Byers brought Will into a hug and held onto him for a moment while we all stood around and watched.

It felt like forever before someone said they should get their things from inside and that Will needed to go home and get some rest. Everyone weirdly followed Will and Mrs. Byers back into the school, they all grabbed their things, then followed them back out the front.

Will went with his mom in her car and they stood and watched by the door. "Okay, that totally freaked me out. That not freak you guys out?" Max asked the group. Annie couldn't manage words, she just nodded her answer.

"Two episodes in two days," Lucas said. Completely ignoring the girls.

"It's getting worse," Mike added on.

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