Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen: Run

Max wasn't an awful driver, probably the best out of the conscious people in the car. It still wasn't enough to say she'd pass a driver's test. In fact, she'd be kicked out before she'd even gone down the first street.

Annie grabbed onto Steve's sleeve as Max sped down the road. This day has been all about testing her anxiety, and just how much she could take. It wasn't a lot before, and she was sure it was worse now.

There was heavy breathing coming from beside her. Annie turned her head and lifted the icepack on Steve's face to see if it was him. It was, and now it was time to explain.

He mumbled something at Mike, then moved his hand up to his face. "Oh, we don't want to do that," Annie whispered, replacing the icepack on his head and using her other hand, no longer gripping the jacket sleeve, and moved his hand away from his face.

Slowly, he moved his head to look at Annie. "Hey, Steve, you did okay. You didn't come out looking okay, but that's how you did. Just gotta be careful with your face for a bit." He moved his hand to the icepack on his forehead, moving it off.

"Okay, you're going to keep straight for half a mile, then make a left on Mount Sinai," Lucas instructed. Annie watched as Steve turned his head and was looking forward now at the passenger and driver.

"Uh oh, this won't go well," she thought.

"What's going on?" he asked, a bit slurred. Max glanced back at him, then quickly back to the road. "Oh my god." There it is.

Dustin came in clutch with the words to try and help. "Just relax. She's driven before," he said calmly.

"Yeah, in a parking lot!" Mike countered. He was still upset at the whole thing.

Annie reacher over and smacked Mike's arm. "Not helping!"

"It counts anyways!"

"Oh my god-"

"Well it's not like we were going to leave you behind, Steve, cause that was the other option," Annie mentioned. "We need you to be cool, please."

Then, the freak out started. Steve started yelling everything, from 'oh my god' to 'no' and 'stop the car.' Annie understood his panic, especially since Max was speeding up.

"I told you he'd freak out!" Mike accused, glaring at Dustin and Annie.

"Stop the car!" Steve yelled.

"Okay well I can't exactly blame him, it's not like we're going for a nice drive down by the beach!" Dustin yelled back. "He has reasons to be freaked out!"

Max had enough. "Everybody shut up! I'm trying to focus!" she yelled, looking into the rearview mirror to see them.

"Oh wait, that's Mount Sinai, make a left!"


"Make- Turn left!"

Max took the car off to the left and ran straight into a mailbox, taking a vary hard left on Sinai. Everyone in the car screamed as she did so. Annie would've laughed at Lucas' scream in a different circumstance. Hell, she'd do it later.

Steve was leaning into Annie before the car straightened out and got back on the road the right way. "Oh my god!" he yelled.

"It's okay, we're gonna be okay," Annie said, holding onto Steve's arm for dear life. She really liked Max, like seriously, but never would she get into another car with her until she had an official state driver's license. Never.

They continued driving and Steve kept yelling, slowly getting back his pre-Billy functioning. They turned onto a field and Max hit the breaks just a few feet before the hole. Everyone snapped forward and back and Steve let out another yell.

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