Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven: That's When

The plan was to take the shed in the Byers' backyard and transform it so that Will wouldn't recognize it. They started by emptying the shed, then they covered the walls with tarps and discarded papers of all kinds, and they even got an interrogation looking set up going.

Now, that they finished it, they were waiting inside. Mike, Mrs. Byers, Johnathan, and the Chief were out in the shed with Will to "interrogate" him. The kids were anxious as they waited. Some sat and leaned on walls, waiting for something to happen. Steve had his bat in the living room and was practicing his swings.

Max and Annie sat in the hallway on opposite sides, but their closest legs were touching. "So, I realize I don't know a lot about you," Annie said, quietly breaking the silence.

Surprised, Max looked up from her lap and saw Annie smiling very lightly. "We should play that game, twenty questions. We each get to ask the other person twenty questions," she suggested when Max didn't say anything.

"Okay... should we have rules?" Max asked.

Annie thought for a second. "One question at a time, we alternate asking. No two part questions- you have to use your next question for the second part. And nothing too personal, we should stick with some basic stuff for now," she said. Max agreed.

"What's your favorite color?" That was Max's first question.

Annie tilted her head and thought for a second. "Maybe yellow, but pink is a close second. I don't know, yellow just makes everything brighter," she answered. "What's your favorite snack?"

"Ooh, I don't know, I kind of like Twinkies a lot. We never got them a lot so I always looked forward to them every time we did," Max explained. "What's your favorite movie?"

"Footloose, no questions asked. I don't know what it is about that movie, but I love watching it and I don't think I could ever get bored." Annie smiled as she talked about the movie and Max smiled back at her the same way.

When she wen quiet, Max said, "I don't think I've ever seen that movie."

Annie's jaw dropped at the statement. "Never? Oh my god we have to fix that as soon as possible! Fair warning, I will sing every song. I won't repeat any lines, but I will be singing the songs. Steve got me the cassette of the soundtrack and it was all I listened to for a couple months."

Max nodded. "Sure, we'll have to plan it out once all of this is over. Besides, we have a different movie to make up," she brought up. "I feel like we should do Nightmare on Elm Street this weekend, then Footloose the next, and just keep coming up with movies one has seen and the other hasn't."

Annie's heart sped up as Max talked about movie nights every weekend. She would love to do that with her. It brought up mental images in her head of them sitting on her couch at her house, eating snacks or sugar or dinner or whatever while laughing along to each movie. In her head, there was also the image of her curled up next to the redhead as they shared a bowl of whatever the hell they were eating.

Her cheeks heated up and Annie had to look down for a second. "You okay there?" Max asked, unsure of where the other girl's head just went.

"Yeah, just trying to figure out some other movies we need to see after Footloose. Can never plan too far ahead, you know," she said, but had gotten a bit quieter. Oh god, she hoped she wasn't looking too far into this. The bigger possibility was she was, but maybe she wasn't...

The lights in the house suddenly started flickering, causing both girls to look around and then stand up. They followed Steve, Nancy, Dustin, and Lucas to the kitchen window to look out at the shed. Annie remembered Steve and Dustin mentioning how lights flickered when the Demogorgan was near. Did Will find out where they were?

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