Chapter Forty-Seven

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Chapter Forty-Seven: Gold Rush

"Have fun sweetie! Cheer your heart out!"

Annie suppressed an eye roll and instead sent a wave back to her mother. She had given Annie and Max a ride to the school since Steve was getting ready for his date with some girl Annie already forgot the name of.

When she turned back around, Max broke down into laughter. "Oh wow, that was... that was a painful car ride," Max said through her laughter.

This time, Annie did roll her eyes. "You are hilarious, you know that? I knew she'd want to talk about the game tonight and cheer practice, I just wasn't expecting her to ask me about any boys I might be interested in." She made a grossed out face and Max laughed harder.

They wouldn't make as much fun if Annie's mother was actually more of a nice person. This year, since going out for cheer, has been the first time since Annie was about seven years old that her mom has cared this much.

Her timing was off, to say the least.

"Okay, you go get ready for the game. I'll see you after! And make sure to find me in the crowd during the halftime cheer!" Max called as they split off.

Annie smiled. "I'll try my best! Enjoy the game!"

The brunette hurried into the gym, careful with her bag that was slung over her shoulder. She was still dressed in her cheer uniform, so at least she didn't have to waste time changing.

"Hey Chrissy!" Annie greeted once she saw the blonde.

The girl in question looked off at first, but smiled once she saw Annie. "Hey! You ready for tonight? I hope we win," she said.

Annie noticed Chrissy still didn't seem like herself, but chalked it up to nerves and decided not to make it worse by pointing it out. "Totally ready! I hope we finally win a championship, that'd be so neat!"

The girls moved over to the rest of the squad, who was warming up. Annie joined in and made sure she was ready for the halftime bit. Every other part of the game was them jumping up and down or starting chants, so that didn't worry her.

When the band came in, Annie waved at Robin like she usually does and the girl waved back. The brunette briefly wondered how the 'Vickie situation' was going, but knew better than to ask Robin herself.

Denial was her best friend.

"Okay girls, let's get ready! Doors open in less than five. After they do, I don't want to see a single one of you lose pep in your step. Not until the game is done and we've hopefully taken home the trophy."

Everyone got ready and the band starting blaring one of the few songs they were able to play at each basketball game. Football usually got more out of the band because they got to do more.

As students came in, nearly filling every seat, Annie and the other cheerleaders were jumping up and down, shaking pompoms and staring a few chants. To their right, the moderators for the championship sat.

Max walked right by, sending a wink Annie's direction. The girl did her best to keep her blush at bay, but it was hard. It was always was when it came to Max.

When the away team came jogging into the gym to start their warmups, the entire student section behind Annie started booing. The away fans across the court tried to cheer, but they weren't very loud in comparison.

Then, the Hawkins High team came jogging in, and Annie almost covered her ears from how loud the students were. The team clearly felt the love, and they had an extra hop in their steps as they came out and started warming up.

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