" Something Bad Is Coming "

Start from the beginning

It all clicked in Samantha's mind,"Please tell me we're not going to go see them." All Jacob did was send her a small smile. Even though she was headed towards Forks High, she didn't want to see them.

"I'll be right behind you."


"Jesus Christ everyone's pale over here," Samantha muttered as she saw the Forks high students pass by her.

Do any of these people know anything about tanning? Sia questioned.

Jacob, who was standing beside Samantha, had wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer to him. "Dani go drop off your packet and if they need me come and get me." The fourteen year old nodded her head and walked towards the school as Samantha stayed with Jacob and waited for them to come.

A black Volvo car pulled up in the school parking lot catching both Jacob and Samantha's attention. Samantha didn't know what to expect when she sees Bella. She had left the teenager numerous voicemails but she just simply ignored them. She tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear and began to listen to whatever conversation they were having in the car.

"What?" She heard Bella ask.

"If I asked you to stay in the car, would you?"

"Of course not."

Obviously, Samantha knew Bella wouldn't listen to Edward seeing as how the two pale faces were now starting to walk towards where both Jacob and herself were at. They were the only tanned people there. Not wanting to stay by the car, the two began to walk to where they stopped at. The four of them all stood in front of each other. You can basically feel the tension between the four.

"Hey," Bella greeted us with a shock and concerned expression written on her face.

"Charlie said you left town," Jacob said, getting straight to the point.

"Yeah to visit my mom, why?"

"They're checking to see if you're still human," Edward chuckled as he got a glimpse of Jacob's thoughts.

"Look I'm here to warn you. If your kind come on our land again." Jacob took a step forward causing Samantha to take one as well.

"Wait what?" Bella asked not really understanding what Jacob was talking about.

Samantha scoffed,"You didn't tell her?"

"Just leave it alone Samantha," Edward said sternly.

"Tell me what?" Bella took her eyes off of Samantha and was now looking at Edward, waiting for an explanation.

"Emmett and Paul had an misunderstanding. It's nothing to worry about," was all he said.

Nothing to worry about my ass, Sia chuckled. Sia never really took a liking to Edward for some unknown reason.

"Listen to you. Did you lie to get her out of town to?" Samantha chuckled. I'm pretty sure Bella doesn't know about the whole Victoria situation as well.

"Leave now," Edward took a step closer to her making Jacob pull her by his side.

"She has the right to know. She is the one who red head wants," Jacob said while tilting his head at Bella who looked like she was about to shit a brick at any moment.

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