Reid's Reveal (9)

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Hotchie added PrettyBoiThings to the chat

JayJay: I feel like I haven't heard from him in forever even tho I just saw him yesterday lmao

PrettyBoiThings: I'm gay

bbygirl: what? You are?! 😃

Hotchie: Morgan, give Reid his phone back 🙄

HotChocolate: I don't have his phone 🫢

PrettyBoiThings: he didn't take my phone. Truth is, I'm gay. Ok? I just wasn't ready to come out yet

HotChocolate: damn now I feel bad

HotStuff69: you feel bad? I feel bad for trying to get him to tell me. I'm sorry Reid 😭

PrettyBoiThings: I'm sorry for physically throwing you out of my apartment. I shouldn't have done that. I'm glad to see you're ok Y/N

HotStuff69: Thanks Reid ily ❤️

PrettyBoiThings: ily2 ❤️


JayJay: We all support you Reid 💯☺️

PrettyBoiThings: Thanks Jayge 🥰

HotChocolate: I just realized-none of you guessed my sexual orientation 😭

HotStuff69: That's because no one cares, Derek ❤️

HotStuff69: lmao jkjk 😭

Hotchie: LOL

Hotchie: that's so foul 💀

HotChocolate: hey wait you never told me yours y/n

HotStuff69: it's so fun trying to see you guess 🙂🙂

Hotchie: she's straight.

JayJay: ..

PrettyBoiThings: ..

HotChocolate: ..

bbygirl: ...

HotStuff69: we fuck one time and suddenly I'm straight? 🤨

PrettyBoiThings: you guys what?! 😱

Hotchie: wait you're not? But that night, you told me it was the best night of your life 🤔

ItalianSausage: no details PLEASE


HotStuff69: I do love men. However, I am not opposed to being with a woman either


HotStuff69: ding ding ding hot chocolate 🍫

HotStuff69: hotch it was the best night of my life. I wasn't lying when I said that 😚

PrettyBoiThings: how did you guys end up fucking?

bbygirl: honestly I would like to know as well

Hotchie: it was after Reid threw y/n out of his apartment. I went to see if she was ok. We chatted privately and she discovered I really like her so that night, know. 😜

Hotchie: I had no idea she felt the same as me

HotStuff69: i've always thought he was hella attractive tbh I just never acted upon it

EmCatLover: well?? are you guys getting together or what??

Hotchie: that's a conversation only for me and y/n

JayJay: OHH SO THAT'S WHY Y/N USED THAT EMOJI AND SAID OOPS WRONG CHAT. I just got that. She thought she was still in private chat mode with Hotch lmao

HotStuff69: lmao yes 😭

PrettyBoiThings: well if you guys do end up together, can I just say I am happy for you both

ItalianSausage: Me too, as strange as this relationship is

HotStuff69: My relationship with bossman is strange?? Old Italy, you're literally fucking bossman's boss, gtfo 😤


Hotchie: I can't breathe 💀💀💀

HotChocolate: I step away for a minute just to come back to see y/n absolutely demolishing Rossi. I love it 🤣

ItalianSausage: I think I'm going to step away from the chat for a week or so. Have fun kids.

ItalianSausage left the chat

Hotchie: lol y/n that was gold but you should apologize to him

HotStuff69: lmfao I will.

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