Hot Dilf, Young Milf (8)

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BossyPants added HotStuff69

BossyPants changed his user to Hotchie

HotStuff69: 😝

bbygirl: wtf

HotStuff69: oh shit wrong chat 😭

JayJay: who tf are you talking to with that emoji

JayJay: and also are you ok?

HotStuff69: yeah I'm fine. A little sore but I'm fine

bbygirl: you didn't answer jj's 1st question 😟

HotStuff69: I'm not talking to anyone sheesh 😫

JayJay: but you said "oh shit wrong chat 😭"

Hotchie: did nobody see that I changed my own nickname

HotChocolate: it's way too early for this shit, go to bed people

bbygirl: it's 7 in the morning chocolate thunder. We have to be at work in an hour 😏

HotChocolate: fuck

HotStuff69: so how's everyone's mornings been? 🤩

JayJay: I think I know who you're fucking y/n

HotStuff69: wait what??

Hotchie: JJ not appropriate 😒

JayJay: it's been so obvious-

EmCatLover: what tf did I miss

JayJay: she's screwing Reid 😎


HotStuff69: he threw my ass out his apartment door and now my hips hurt because of him!!

JayJay: ok if you're not fucking Reid then who is it?

Hotchie: JJ if you keep badgering y/n, I'm gonna add another stack of your already ridiculously big stack of paperwork

EmCatLover: omg she's screwing Hotch 🤣🤣

HotChocolate: WHAT 😧

Hotchie: ..

HotStuff69: I gotta get ready for work byee

bbygirl: Hotch is this true?? 😯

Hotchie: it was one time ok? Now everyone drop it

ItalianSausage: I always log in at the worst time

Hotchie: shut it Dave

JayJay: are you two dating?

Hotchie: no

EmCatLover: honestly I didn't see this coming. I always thought it was going to be y/n and Reid because they make more sense lol

bbygirl: idk man. Hot dilf, young milf. Spicy 🌶️

HotChocolate: Garcia 😭😭💀

Hotchie: what did you just call me?

bbygirl: what, am I wrong?

EmCatLover: wait Hotch do you even know what that means?? 😂

ItalianSausage: I don't

JayJay: obviously the Italian doesn't

ItalianSausage: what did I do wrong to deserve this disrespect?

Hotchie: I don't even want to know what that means but I'm sure it's not appropriate

HotChocolate: yeah. Only y/n can call him that 😚

HotStuff69: shut it Morgan 😒

HotChocolate: make me

HotStuff69: I will literally drive to your place and beat the shit out of you like I did with Reid

Hotchie: ok y/n no violence please

EmCatLover: yeah listen to your daddy 😜🥰👌👈

JayJay: EMILY OMG 💀💀💀

ItalianSausage: Why

HotStuff69: I fucking hate it here

Hotchie: guess who's getting more paperwork? 🥰

bbygirl: Hotch using emojis is like Rossi learning how to use the internet

HotChocolate: 😭😭

ItalianSausage: I'm logging off, bye

JayJay: 😂😂😂😂😂


ngl I'm kinda already getting writer's block lmao so if I don't post as often, that is why. I also work so that's another factor 

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