"You too handsome." I flirt back and finally let Fi drag me away. "Damn girl. If I wasn't already in love with Kev I'd climb him like a tree." I laugh at V's comment but feel myself blush. I look over my shoulder and find Joe standing there watching me with a smile as he types something out on his phone. 

Out of curiosity I pull mine out and see he had texted me. I save his number before checking the text.


Coffee tomorrow morning if you not too hungover. 10 am Lily's diner. 


Meet you there. 

I text back before putting my phone away. Turns out Fi surprise was pole dancing where V attempted to dance with the the lady. She let us have goes and we all embarrassed ourselves to the point where we couldn't breath with laughter. Fi and I even had to hold V up by her legs to keep her on the pole. The dancer took picture of us the whole time for us to keep. She was really sweet and was laughing with us before we had to leave. 

"Why would she do that in the first place?" V continues to question how the lady had practically folded herself in half. We had left the club and were all walking home, arms linked together as we tried to stay upright.

"Because she could. She was like one of those weird Chinese acrobats" Fi laughs out a response and we laugh with her. 

"No. No those girls are all tiny and cute when they do it. She was like Pippy Longstocking kissing her own ass." V states we all start giggling, the booze still having a strong effect on us.

"We need food. and Advil. I don't want to be hungover. I wanna go on my coffee date with Mr tall, dark and handsome." I say and V starts dancing in the middle of the sidewalk singing about how I was 'gettin it on'. I feel myself blush and I nudge her. I forgot about her heels though and she stumbles face first into a snow bank.

"Oh shit. Sorry." I laugh out as Fi and I hold on to each other. No longer able to stay upright as we laughed. V rolls over and joins us before using the nearby fence to stand up. 

We continue walking only to stop when Frank walks past us a smoke hanging out of his mouth, blood trickling from his nose, a large black afro, a bunch of what looked like bungee cords dragging behind him and a beer in hand. 

"Jesus. Dad what happened to you?"

"Cord was two long. I got three nuts. Gonna die." He says not breaking his stride and we all step over the cords and we watch him go. We burst into laughter, the kind that made your sides hurt. We finally made it home and I make sure I eat and drink plenty before going to sleep. 

The next morning I collect Liam from Sheila's before making breakfast for everyone and texting Joe.

To: Handsome.

Morning Handsome. We still on today?

To: Gorgeous.

Wouldn't miss it.

I smile before running upstairs to get ready, leaving the others to eat their fruit and toaster waffles. I change into a pair of black bootcut jeans, black combat boots and a fitted cream sweater. 

I tie my hair up into a high pony tail to keep it out of the way and put on a little lip stain. I grab by black cross body bag and make sure my phone was inside along with my keys and money. "Right. See you guys later. Stay out of trouble and don't burn the house down."  I say as I rush through the kitchen. "Wait. Where are you going?" I turn round to look at Ian as I continue to walk backward. 

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