"AAH!" Kuromarimo and Chess barely fought back as Wapol chewed them up and swallowed them. Ana, Chopper and Sanji were speechless at the display while Luffy was slack jawed.

"He's eating his crew!" the StrawHat captain exclaimed.

"Take a good look at what combined bodies can do?" smoke starts flaring out of Wapol's cannon arms as he glares at the group.

"Combined bodies?" Chopper looks at him in confusion.

"Hahaha, we're the strongest fighter in the kingdom!" the door on Wapol's body opened with a body coming out.

The group widens their eyes at Chess and Kuromarimo's combined voices as a body comes out to show Kuromarimo's and Chess' bodies have combined with Kuromarimo's head and arms on top of Chess'.

"Say hello to Chessmarimo!"

"Didn't the afro boy just sit on top of the jester?" Sanji sweat dropped at the view in front of them.

"Looks like that" Ana said while Luffy looks at the body with stars in his eyes.

"That's awesome!" the boy exclaimed.

"What part of that is awesome?!" Sanji turns to him in irritation. Dr. Kureha turns to them while she stays back.

"You'd better not underestimate them" she told the StrawHat group "If they were weak, then the villagers would have chased them out of here when they came back"

"At least you have that sense Dr. Kureha. After all, the first rule in my country is that whoever dares to defy the king must die. I am everything to this empire because this empire belongs to me, and so does this castle" Wapol nods at the explanation.

"That means I won't allow anyone to put up a stupid flag that belongs to that crazy doctor on the top of my palace! It only makes this place worthless!" Wapol suddenly raised his arms up and fire his cannons at the pirate flag.

None of them were fast enough to stop the cannon balls from hitting the flag. Chopper could only stare at the flying flag in horror while Luffy looks up at the flag for the first time.

"A pirate flag?" he saw Chopper staring at the flag with a dead look in his eyes, before he understands the situation and turned to Anamaria and Sanji "Ana, come help me get the flag"

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO DOCTOR'S FLAG?!" she and Luffy start scaling the castle when Chopper starts yelling at Wapol. Wapol chuckles as the reindeer's distress.

"Didn't I already tell you why? It makes the castle worthless. Kill him men"

"Yes sir!" Chessmarimo nods as they crack their knuckles.

Chopper charges at Wapol, but Chessmarimo block his path, but he dodges by going into brain point to run under them. He changes back into heavy point to jump onto Wapol so that he's face to face with him.

"Doctor... Doctor even thought about saving your life! Doesn't that mean anything to you?!" Wapol braces himself for the punch Chopper was about to give him, but he stopped himself "I won't hurt you, so get out of this country!"

"Huh?" Wapol looks at him in confusion.

Ana lets her captain climb over her so he could more easily reach the fallen flag successfully.

"What are you saying Chopper?! He won't leave just because you gave him mercy!" Dr. Kureha glares at Chopper's merciful attitude.

"But..." Chopper turns to her with a distressed look on his face. Wapol smirked at the defenceless reindeer as he gets his cannon ready for Chopper but stops when he hears Luffy yelling.

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