[12] Finally

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Naruto POV

"Good morning, Hinata!" I said to her while lowering my bag.

She turned to me, opened her mouth as if she was about to say something, but turned away. I felt a pang hit my heart. Normally, she would greet me. Like, every morning. I just ignored it. 

When lunchtime arrived, I invited her to one of the cafés on school grounds. 

"I'm sorry, Naruto-kun. I have to head back to my dorm room."

I was left there, in the dust. Was it just me, or was she purposely ignoring me?

Hinata POV

I can't take this. 

I was so cold towards Naruto the whole day. Just because Shion told me to do so. I sat on my bed, thinking about the deal. But I came to a conclusion. 

I needed to keep Naruto safe, even if it meant him hating me. It didn't matter, all I wanted was for him not to get hurt. After this year, we would be moving on to university directly. I wanted to spend all my time with Naruto. But my dreams had been crushed.

It's ok, I thought to myself. Just a few more months. 

Naruto POV

"Hello, Naruto-kun!" Shion came up to me during lunch. 

"Uh, Shion, have you seen Hinata?"

Shion's smile creased into a frown. "No."

"Ok, then," I strolled past her to Sasuke.

"Hey, what's bothering you?" Sasuke asked me. Haha. The idiot could be kind when he wanted ti.

"Nothing, don't bother about it."

"Ok, now you are really scaring me. You don't smile like that. Are you Hinata in disguise?" Sasuke looked at me weirdly.

Hinata again. I was already depressed that she wasn't talking to me, and Sasuke had to bring her up? Not his fault, can't blame him. 

"No, no, everything's alright. 

No one's Pov

The next few months passed with Hinata ignoring Naruto. Sasuke and Sakura had already picked something up, and would go to Naruto's room to comfort him. Sakura would ask Hinata why she was ignoring Naruto, but she would never give an answer. 

Whenever Hinata passed Naruto in the hallways, her heart would be broken even more. They didn't even talk when they were sitting beside each other. She finally understood that Shion was a better match for Naruto. Why did he deserve a shy girl who didn't even stand up for herself?

On the last week of school, Kakashi-sensei walked into the classroom with an important announcement. 

"Everyone, you all know that graduation is approaching. For this year, before you leave this school, there will be a dance. Choose your partners, whatever, I don't care, but the date is this Friday, last day of school. Get ready, everyone, it was a nice long three years."

Everyone cheered. Guys began asking out girls. Shion was positive Naruto was gonna ask her, as Hinata was being cold towards him and he probably hated her. She was so sure.

Truth is, Naruto hadn't given up just yet. 

As he walked past Hinata's locker, he slipped a note inside. Later that day, Hinata opened her locker and saw the note. Gingerly, she unfolded the small piece of paper. 


Will you go with me to the dance? I know you hate me, but i'm not giving up yet. If yes, meet me on the school rooftop.

I understand if you cannot.


Hinata sprinted. She didn't stop until she reached the school rooftop. She saw a familiar blondie standing there, wind blowing through his familiar hair. Hair she had always ruffled through. He turned, and his crystal blue eyes shot at hers. Without warning, Hinata threw herself at him.

She could not ignore him anymore. 

'I'm-m s-so sorry," Hinata cried and buried her face into Naruto's chest. "I'm so sorry for nurtin you Naruto-kun! I will go with you to the dance! Please, forgive me!"

Naruto patted her back reassuringly. He looked down at the love of his life. Of course she had a reason. Hinata would never do something like that without a reason. 


"Hinata-hime, I finally got you back."

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