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Sebastian's POV

Warming my stiff palms with the heat from my breath, sitting in the stone-cold bleachers, Adelaide clung to my bicep. I practically had no personal space when she was within close proximity. For being late September, it was absolutely bitter out on the Quidditch Pitch. Ravenclaw was in the lead against Hufflepuff, no surprise there. Glancing at the sidelines I spotted Poppy. If eyes could speak, hers would say "Fuck you".

"Sebby baby, why is Y/n joining us again?" Adelaide questioned, the annoyance in her voice clearly visible.

My eyes stayed on the game, awaiting the one person I was most keen on seeing. I mumbled the words, "She's one of my dearest friends, Adelaide, we're making an effort to work on our friendship."

Her resentment towards Y/n was prominent. Any wizard could've sensed Adelaide's jealousy from many moons away. Venom dripped from the words that escaped her lips.

The lips I wish were Y/n's. The lips I truly longed to consume. The lips that drove me completely mad.

"She almost killed me, Seb! How can you exonerate her for that?"

How could I forgive Y/n? Maybe it was because she had a hold over me no other witch had. Or, maybe because I knew the true woman she was. The woman who stood by my side through every dark adventure I dragged her on. The woman who had the purest heart this world will ever know.

Snapping back from my racing mind, I exhaled. "She wouldn't have killed you, and to answer your second question, Y/n has undergone many hardships and difficulties in her short time here at Hogwarts. She's survived battles that grown men couldn't even fathom."

"So? What is it you give her Sebby? Pity?" The spite in her voice only became louder as the conversation continued.

"I give her all of my appreciation and respect. Now, you need to drop this immediately, Adelaide."

Before Adelaide could retort or defend herself, Y/n and the egotistical Romanian excused themselves as they made their way through the crowd. Lucian had a mischievous smile plastered across his face whilst Y/n's nose and cheeks were a soft shade of crimson. It's as if her body was being drawn to his, by some magical force...or the arse said some stupid joke to make her laugh.

"Hey Sallow, this is our newest wizard I told you about!" Y/n gave her usual million dollar smile, the one that makes my heart skip a beat.

Nodding my head at the foreigner, I stuck out my hand firmly grasping his. My eyes dilated, fixated on the threat I currently face. His icy blue eyes radiated nothing but pure darkness, evil seemed to lie within him.

"Sebastian, Sebastian Sallow. This is my friend, Adelaide." I motioned to the envious blonde Hufflepuff next to me, whose claws dug deep into my upper arm while she glared at Y/n.

"Pleasure to meet you both. I'm Lucian, Lucian Rosu. I look forward to my next two years at Hogwarts."

He spoke in a foreign accent. The peaks of language were sharper and more dramatic, yet his words sliced through the chilled air like a dagger.

"Gryffindor, Huh?" I taunted, a little more than I should've.

"Ah yes, the greatest house, no doubt. And from the looks of it, you must be a Slytherin," Lucian insulted in a calm demeanor.

A bothered smirk danced on my lips, I sat back down on the bleachers as I gave Y/n a welcoming look. She didn't speak a single phrase to Adelaide, she acted as if she didn't even exist. Not that it bothered me, they both had every right not to speak to one another.

Restricted // Sebastian SallowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora