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I was awakened by Imelda searching through her closet loudly. I sat up in my bed and rubbed my tired eyes. I immediately felt the throbbing pain in my head, and my body felt as if the Hogwarts express ran me over.

I groaned and looked at the time. I had cheer tryouts in 20 minutes. No way I was going to make it to breakfast this morning. I sighed to myself and got up and proceeded to get ready as best as I could giving the time scrunch and major hangover I was dealing with. I threw on some tight black shorts and found an old grey Slytherin T-shirt that had a green snake across the chest that was beginning to peel off. I didn't even make my bed, I rushed out of my dorm room and quickly made my way towards the Quidditch field. I felt completely awful from the Firewhiskey from the night prior.

As I approached the field I saw the other girls that came to tryouts on the left side of the field and all of the quidditch players on the right side. As I scanned the players, I locked eyes with Sebastian and my face blushed a hue of red.

"Good luck." He mouthed to me with a cheeky smile as he pressed his right hand to his chest.

I gave him a small grin, trying to keep the Firewhiskey down, and made my way to the rest of the hopeful girls. As I got closer I noticed Professor Garlick seemed to be the coach.

"Now girls, I'm the cheer coach for all of the houses, but I must say I'm most excited to be coaching Slytherin. Don't say anything to the other girls, it'll be our little secret!" Garlick spoke in her soft voice with a chuckle.

The girls all giggled as she explained what we were going to be doing today. We had to show a few skills off. Strength, endurance, stamina, and flexibility. All of which I knew I succeeded at. As the tryouts began I started feeling a lot more confident with myself making the team. And the brutal hangover I was dealing with was starting to slowly go away, thankfully.

"Last but certainly not least, Y/n! Come show me what you got!" Garlick said excitedly as she clapped her hands together.

I quickly gave her a soft smile as I began showing her my strength, speed and flexibility. I took notice that all the other girls were staring at me in Awe, which made me chuckle to myself. As I finished the routine I had made up on the spot, I stood there confident and a bit out of breathe, awaiting to hear what Garlicks decision was.

"Miss. Y/L/n, that was the most impressive routine I've seen out of all the houses yet, you're on the team!" She squealed as she looked at me with a huge grin.

"A-are you serious?!" I asked in excited but confused manner.

"Yes dear." She looked at the rest of the team, while she looked to be in deep thought. "I think we've found our first ever Slytherin Cheerleading Caption in history! Congratulations Y/n!" Professor Garlick exclaimed with joy.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. To say I was excited was an understatement. I wasn't even expecting to make the cheerleading team let alone become team caption. All of the girls ran up and gave me a group hug and started chanting my name. In this moment, my heart was filled with unbelievable happiness and pride.

Sebastian's POV.

Towards the end of practice I heard the cheerleaders screeching with joy, as I looked over I saw them all hugging Y/n. She must've made the team, I was so proud of her. I knew she would make it, there was no doubt in my mind.

Just then my thoughts were interrupted by one of the chasers on our team, Enzo. He was one of our best players and we got along pretty well for the most part, we didn't really speak too much outside of Quidditch though. All of the girls at Hogwarts were obsessed with his looks and charms, he was known as a big player who broke a lot of hearts.

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