Nine: Blistering Blooms of Burning Red

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The group has faced many challenges during their journey, but Froggy's unwavering curiosity has helped strengthen their bond. Even their enemies were impressed by her and respected her as a formidable opponent. Froggy's speed has also greatly improved, as she continues to practice and develop her skills at Peach's Castle. Her team values this growth and admires her for it. Her regal caterpillar friend Haru was always by her side, seemingly motionless as he watched his beloved Brooklyn girl vanquish her enemies for days.

As usual, the group had to find a good place to rest, before they could head off to their next destination. Eventually, they found a good place to camp out, in front of a massive field of blistering orange and yellow blooms, its luminous glows were enough to light up the night.

"Is this like you remember?" Haru asked, gesturing at Froggy, which was amazed by the sight.

"These are Fire Flowers," Haru explained, "They'll give you special abilities if you touch them!"

To illustrate Prince Haru's explanation, Peach stepped forward and touched one. Her pink dress was set ablaze, not enough to burn her, but just about right to change her attire to white and red colors. With a gesture of her hand, a fireball ignited on her palm, which she used to light Toad's bonfire.

"Awesome! May I try?" Froggy said, "I promise I won't burn anything."

Mario, and Luigi looked at each other doubtfully. Toad on the other hand, gave a thumbs up. Therefore, Froggy approached a nearby bud, and touched it with a poke of her pointer.


Immediately her attire changed colors, upon being enveloped in the flames, and Khaki shorts, changed to a scarlet shade of red, including the horizontal purple stripes of her shirt. Even the eyes of her frog cap adorned a flame, the finishing touches of her transformation.

"How do I look, fellas?"

Toad laughed.

"You look like you could blast a Goomba in the face!" He commented.

"TOAD!!!" Everyone shouted, condescendingly.

"What I meant to say is, she looks so cute in that outfit, she could blast a Goomba in the—"

"Look out!" Prince Haru exclaimed, as he pointed to a Goomba that came charging at the group.

Just like she saw with Peach she summoned a fireball, in her hand, making the enemy screech to a halt.

"Trying to stand in my way, again? Careful, I'm literally hot!"

A single ignited hit of Froggy's fireball was enough to roast the foe to ashes, before she confidently blew off the smoke off her fingers, leaving the group speechless for a while. But the silence was broken at once by the clappings of Haru's tiny caterpillar hands.

Froggy laughed and said, "Thank you, and thank you for the warning." Haru blushed and bowed in response. Peach pointed to the bonfire and campsite, saying, "Luigi, Mario, and I will prepare dinner here. Toad, please watch over them." Toad saluted his Princess, saying, "At your service, my liege." Prince Haru and Froggy laughed at Toad's tone and enjoyed each other's company. However, looking at the flowers, Froggy wondered if they could undo Haru's curse. Haru replied, "No, but the Wonder Flower, which only grows in my kingdom, might help."

Haru explained that the flower had contributed to the history of the Flower Kingdom since it helped to cure even the most dreadful maladies, aches, or curses. Thus that flower became his Kingdom's whole namesake he added that the spring that they bloomed, was the fateful day of his birth, hence why his name was chosen.

"That is quite a story," Froggy said, "Don't you worry," we'll get you back in no time."

Toad suddenly took out his flute and started to play. Causing Froggy to freeze.

"Haru... this song, I think I remember this one."

Haru's eyes twinkled.

"You do?"

With no time to waste, Froggy breathed deeply and sang along to Toad's melody.

Her voice was so melodious, that even Peach and the Marios stopped what they were doing to hear her singing, Even Haru joined in at some point, bringing them back to simpler times, times when they were friends beneath the eyes of their respective societies, and they'd play together like normal kids should. In the end, Froggy felt a tear run down her eyes.

"I remember this song," Froggy sniffed, "I mean, I don't remember anything, but at least I remember this song."

It provided a sense of relief to the rest of her team. Froggy's memories were coming back, albeit a little slower.

Toad complimented Froggy on her singing voice, not realizing it was her favorite song. The two friends then noticed Haru sleeping peacefully in Froggy's hand. Toad remarked on the strong bond between Froggy and Haru, suggesting they would make a perfect duo. 

Froggy acknowledged Haru's friendship, but Toad raised the possibility of Haru having romantic feelings for her. This made Froggy blush, especially after considering Haru's heartbroken reaction when she couldn't remember him. Nonetheless, Froggy and Haru remained close friends. 

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