Two: Pipe Entomologists

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Froggy and her new siblings grew into fine but struggling adults. Mario and Luigi had a dream of becoming plumbers, which in their parent's eyes, was an impossible dream. This comment upset Mario, who ended up leaving the dinner table, without taking one bite. Which required Luigi and Froggy to visit him while bringing his plate.

"Cheer up bro," Luigi said, "Papa didn't really mean that!"

Mario turned to his brother, in a solemn look.

"Yeah, big bro, impossible or not it's still your dream," Froggy said, "I mean, you guys didn't graduate Pratt Academy for no reason!" Froggy said, nuzzling into her brother's arm, " I'll bet someday, you guys're the best plumbers, Brooklyn has ever seen."

Mario smiled, and pulled his sister into his arms, as he laughs.

"Jeez, enough about me and Luigi's dream, Froggy, "Mario chuckled, "what about you?"

After putting enough thought into it, she knew the answer right away.

"I wanna be an Entomologist and study all kindsa bugs!" she said, stretching her arms.

Mario and Luigi looked at each other with intrigue.

"I thought you wanna be a boxer," Mario said, "I happen to know a guy, his name is Doc Louis"

He then went on to tell about his part job, as a referee in all of Little Mac's matches, and how he'd hold up his arm, every time he'd win.

"That's so cool though," Froggy exclaimed, "but I doubt he has an interest in learning about bugs."

However, Froggy took his brother's advice and following Mario's instructions she went straight to Doc Louis's gym.

"Hi, are you Doc Louis?"

With a nod of his head, he confirmed he was truly the one who shaped Little Mac into the G.O.A.T he has become. Star stuckness aside, Froggy told Doc the reason she came.

"I was told you were training Little Mac, so I wanna learn how to fight like him."

Doc was unsure.

"Are you sure kid, 'least I could do is teach you to get—"

"I'm Mario and Luigi's sister," Froggy said, still not taking no for an answer.

Silence reigned for a while before Doc exhaled.

"Ok, kid you're in," Doc obliged, "but I ain't gonna go easy on you."

In the next few weeks, Froggy endured intense training and even participated in the ring alongside Little Mac, and both were untouchable and the best of friends.

"Ok, for real now," Doc said, while he pedaled his bike on the streets, "where are you from, kid, besides Brooklyn?"

"I can't really remember Doc, I just found myself in a nice family, that is all."

Froggy would often come home late with an aching body, but she managed to gain a ton of strength, and a quick cash grab from all the tournaments. When deep down, Froggy just wanted to help her family and herself. That's what she told her family eventually. Plus, if her siblings wanted to be plumbers so badly, they needed all the help, they can get. Which landed her a hug, from both of her emotional siblings.

"Froggy... sometimes," Mario sniffed, as he struggled not to bawl, "you seem too noble for a city like this."

Froggy looked up and saw tears coming out of her red brother's eyes.

"Go ahead bro, I'm here." She whispered stroking Mario's back.

"But— what about your—"

"Hat? It's machine washable, don't worry."

Mama gasped, startling her family. Luigi inquired, but quickly noticed Froggy's friend had returned. Froggy eagerly rushed to the window to greet the caterpillar, who had since fallen asleep on her hand. Its attire included a little red cloak and a flamboyant yellow and orange crown. When Papa questioned how she had found him, Froggy proudly explained how she had saved him from being pureed, and even received a tulip as a token of gratitude. Mama found it endearing, but Papa made a sarcastic quip, suggesting that caterpillars are mere princes in disguise.

"Really?!" she said, excitedly.

Luigi suggested taking Froggy and her caterpillar friend to her room. The room had beautiful butterfly and star decorations. Froggy placed the caterpillar on the windowsill and something unexpected was about to happen.

The caterpillar expressed gratitude for the tour of Froggy's home, stating that they felt quite comfortable. Froggy was surprised and exclaimed, "You can talk?!"

"I guess I can!" replied the caterpillar.

"How did you come to be in this form, and where did you come from?" inquired Froggy, her tone assertive.

The caterpillar's expression turned melancholy.

"Do you not recall me?" he asked. "I am Haru, which means spring in my kingdom." Froggy expressed regret for not remembering Haru and offered a heartfelt apology.

"Don't worry, Froggy" Haru consoled her. "I have been in this state for so long that I appear unrecognizable to you." Froggy's curiosity was now piqued, her tone more assertive.

"What caused this transformation."Froggy asked.

 Haru let out a sigh. "I was cursed," he said, his voice low.

 "By whom?" Froggy asked, her voice now more forceful, "and how do you know my name?"

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