Six: Toad Town

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"'Scuse, me, pardon me," Toad exclaimed at the top of his lungs," Big shots, and possible friends to lovers, comin' through!"

Froggy was entranced by the view of that particular place, mainly because the people were friendly, and sometimes obnoxiously loud. Suddenly she saw a toad who dropped his gold coin.

"Excuse me, bud," I think you dropped this!"

The little shroom got elated.

"My coin! Thank you, Froggy! How can I repay you?"

Froggy crouched on her knees.

" Can you please tell me where you got the coin?"

Soon enough, Froggy and Toad, found themselves bashing blocks, and they gathered quite a generous amount. Just as she thought she had seen enough, the Toad she helped came up with a tool in hand.

"Here, I want you to have this."

"A mallet? Where'd you get it?"

"You won't believe this, but a red guy with a mustache, came here, earlier, and dropped this, he also said, he was looking for you."

Froggy's eyes lit up.

"Where is he now?"

The rest of the group had a hard time keeping up with Froggy, who displayed some questionable agility. She sprinted through platforms and bricks and even found herself transported through a glass pipe, leaving her gasping for air.

"Voilà!" exclaimed Toad. "You've made it to the palace doors!"

As soon as Froggy laid eyes on the grand castle, her mind was utterly blown. It resembled the magnificent fortresses she had always read about before going to sleep but on a much larger scale. The castle was constructed with solid bricks and featured striking pink towers. What's more, there was a stunning stained-glass portrait of a blonde princess in a hopeful stance, dressed in a beautiful pink gown. The portrait gave a glimpse into the identity of the castle's owner and the kingdom she governed. Haru mentioned that his cousin Peach, lived there, and it had been a while since he last saw her.

Froggy was surprised to learn that Peach was Haru's relative. Toad became frustrated by Froggy's forgetfulness and whispered to the caterpillar prince that the Koopa kids had cast a spell on Froggy that messed her up and that they needed to retrieve the chest piece urgently. Haru agreed but suggested they celebrate someone's birthday first. Suddenly, the guards noticed the group approaching from a distance and exclaimed, "It's Froggy and Prince Haru! They're coming! Quick, open the gates!"

With all their strength, the guards opened the doors of the castle, so the unsuspecting adventurer and her friends could enter, all they could find however, was pitch-black darkness and momentary silence. Before a woman's voice whispered.

"On 3."

"1, 2,3!"

Suddenly, the room was illuminated as the lights flickered on and a chorus of voices erupted in unison:


Froggy was surprised, how could they have time to throw a party for her, when they were in an unknown land, but she had all the time to think about it later. Mario and Luigi suddenly rushed out of the crowd and hugged their sister.

"Mario! Luigi! So good to see you again!" Froggy exclaimed.

"We're glad you're safe, Sorrella! Plus, I have someone that would like to meet you very much!"

Suddenly, the same princess that was embedded in the glass stained, appeared before her. Froggy not forgetting her etiquette, bowed gracefully at her.

"Hello there, you must be the one the brothers told me about."

Froggy nodded.

"And you must be Princess Peach, the one my new friends, told me about."

Toad and Haru waved at the Princess upon being revealed by Froggy.

"Good afternoon, Toad," she said, "and cousin Haru, you're a caterpillar?"

"Heh, it could be a lot worse." The prince replied.

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