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Third Person's POV

"We need to talk" Anastasia said with a serious tone. "You're scaring me" Scarlett replied now sitting straight on the edge of the couch. "What I'm about to say next won't be nice but I need you to please let us explain" the model insisted. "What?" a very confused Scarlett asked. Elizabeth couldn't take it anymore, her leg bouncing up and down. "I kissed Anastasia" she spat out. When Scarlett heard those three words, she felt like her world fell apart. The blonde actress felt like throwing up. She stood up abruptly and just like that her emotions when from worried to pure rage. "YOU DID WHAT!?" Johansson yelled at her friend. "детка please let her explain" Anastasia remained calmed, she stood up and tried to hold Scarlett's hand. "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME" the actress was fuming. "HOW FUCKING COULD YOU? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" Scarlett continued to scream at Elizabeth. "I- I'm sorry, I made a stupid mistake. I wasn't thinking- " Liz tried to reply but of course, a very pissed off Scarlett interrupted her "A MISTAKE? THATS NOT A FUCKING MISTAKE, A FUCKING MISTAKE IS SPILLING WATER ON SOMEONE, TRYING TO STEAL MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND IS NOT A MISTAKE". "Scarlett, love, please, hear her out" Anastasia tried approaching Scarlett again but this one didn't want to be anywhere near either of them. "ON WHOSE FUCKING SIDE ARE YOU?" Scarlett reproached to Anastasia. "I'm just saying, there's more to the story" Tia said. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? ARE YOU LISTENING TO YOURSELF? WERE YOU FUCKING CHEATING ON ME? BECAUSE THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING THAT WOULD EXCUSE SOMETHING LIKE THAT. SHE KNEW HOW IMPORTANT THIS RELATIONSHIP WAS FOR ME, SHE KNEW HOW I FELT ABOUT BEING CHEATED ON, FOR CHRIST SAKE SHE WAS THERE WHEN I BROKE THOSE RELATIONSHIPS OFF!". "You know I would never cheat on you" Anastasia defended herself struggling to remain calm. "YOU ALREADY DID!" Scarlett laughed, bewildered by the whole situation. "I am so sorry Scarlett" was the only thing Elizabeth said. "Don't you fucking dare apologizing when you knew damn well what you were doing" Scar said with poison and hatred in her voice. "детка, please" a gentle Anastasia begged. "I should've known better, people warned me about you. How could I be so stupid!? I should've listened. Fucking cheater". That was the drop needed for Anastasia to lose her temper. "You're shitting me. HOW AM I THE BAD GUY? AFTER EVERYTHING WE WENT THROUGH YOU CANNOT EVEN SPARE ME THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT?". "YOU FUCKING CHEATED! SHE KISSED YOU AND YOU ARE STILL DEFENDING HER!" Scarlett screamed her lungs out to Anastasia. Elizabeth forgotten at this moment. The situation raising between the couple. "YOU WONT EVEN LET ME EXPLAIN!". "THERE IS NOTHING TO EXPLAIN! YOUR STUPID PET NAMES, YOUR FLIRTY BEHAVIOR WITH EVERYONE, THE FACT THAT YOU FUCK EVERYTHING THAT FUCKING MOVES. I GET IT, YOU NEVER HAD A SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP, BO HOO, DOESNT MEAN YOU DONT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BEING A SLUT AND BEING A LOYAL PARTNER". That cut deep, very deep. Anastasia couldn't believe what she just heard, how could she say those things? The model thought. "Piss off. That's low, even for you" the model said walking away. "It's true" Scarlett still mad, replied back. "Then if that's what you think of me, let me make it simpler for you. This slut is breaking up with you. We're done. Now, get the fuck out of my house" Anastasia said not sparing a look at her now ex-girlfriend. Elizabeth in total shock, never thinking Scarlett would blame Anastasia as much as she did.

You can imagine how Anastasia felt hearing those words. Her past with sexual assault made her more vulnerable to those comments, always feeling like an object, like a toy that could be used and thrown away. Hearing those words from someone she cared for, from the first person she had wanted to open up to after Ekaterina, it left a bitter taste in her mouth, but mostly, it hurt, it hurt like she never knew it would. Anastasia knew Scarlett wasn't aware of her tragic past, she hadn't told her, but still, it didn't make it okay. Tia had never been disrespectful towards Scarlett and she hoped it would be the same the other way around, unfortunately, it wasn't.

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