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Scarlett's POV

"You know who I am?" I asked confused. She laughed shortly. Her laugh, her smile, her... God, what am I thinking? I'm married. But shit, isn't she gorgeous? Her eyes are out of this world and that scar, her scar is so sexy. Omg, Scarlett get it together. "Who doesn't? You're Scarlett Johansson. You are extremely talented, Miss Johansson" Anastasia said. I looked down trying to hide the fact that I was blushing, at least she didn't seem to notice I was daydreaming about her and "Miss Johansson" god, this woman wants to give me a heart attack. "Miss Johansson?" I asked apparently out loud because she replied, shit. "That is your name, innit?" She asked almost laughing again from my stupid question. Gosh I really need to get it together. "Yes, yes, it is" gosh I'm blushing. I'm so blushing. I'm so embarrassed. "You drink?" The beautiful woman asked and pointed at the bar behind us. "Yes, I do" I replied shortly trying to not say anything stupid. "Would you like a drink? I was getting one for myself." She said walking towards the bartender. She looked at the bartender and ordered a dirty martini, on the rocks with 2 olives. She then looked at me, waiting for me to order. "A glass of red wine please" I told the bartender. The bartender then proceeded to start preparing our drink. Anastasia leaned on the table offering me the empty seat next to her. What a gentlewoman, I thought. So I went and sat down.

Anastasia's POV

She seemed nervous, it was cute, but I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. I looked at her and asked "Do you come to these things often? Or do you hate them as much as I do?". "You do know it's hard to get invited, right?" she asked confused again. I couldn't help but to laugh, again, cute. "Is it? Honestly, I couldn't say. I'm always invited" I smirked. "Are you always this arrogant?" She asked not impressed by my reply. "Yes, yes I am". She rolled her eyes but still there was a smile on her face. "So...where are you from? You speak like an English but you said something earlier...ehm Russian I think" she pointed out. "Well, I'm from here and there" I replied trying not to mention too much about myself. It's not that I think she's a threat or anything, I'm actually enjoying the company, it's just easier this way. No strings attached. "Mysterious woman, I see" she looked playfully into my eyes. "Gotta keep the mystery, it seems to be working" I winked, "But, you are right about me speaking Russian. Although that's not my only talent" I flirted. Scarlett bit her lip and said "So you have multiple talents?". "If you show me yours, I'll show you mine" I couldn't help myself, can you blame? This woman is fucking gorgeous. I always knew but once you have her in front of's something else. Scarlett laughed. She has a beautiful laugh, I have to admit."You're a charm" she said. "I've been told" I replied smiling.

Unfortunately, before we could continue with our conversation a man approached. Believe when I say I was miffed the second he opened his mouth. "Scarlett - babe, where have you been? I've been looking for you." The guy said, making sure I heard the "babe" part quite clearly. He went to her like a lost puppy and kissed her, pushing me to the left, meaning further away from her. I could see the spark she had in her eyes a second ago completely vanish. Interesting. But before any of them could say something, I took the whole situation as my cue "It was a pleasure meeting you... Miss Johansson, I hope to see you around". I approached her, took her hand and kissed it, that should piss off that guy. "But w-wait" Scarlett tried to stop me but it was too late, I was walking to the opposite direction, I looked at her one last time and winked. The guy now sitting with her just rolled his eyes. Mission accomplished.

I was walking towards the exit when I heard someone screaming my name. Oh I could recognize that voice anywhere, I turned around and Salma Hayek was already engulfing me in a tight tight hug. "Mi amor, te ves preciosa! ¿Cómo estás?, ¿Qué haces aquí y por qué no me dijiste que venías?, ¿Cómo está Ina? Nunca me dices cuando vienes a estos eventos Anas- (My love, you look gorgeous! How are you? What are you doing here and why didn't you tell me you were coming? You never tell me when you come to these events Anas-)" Salma was rambling and she was not happy I hadn't told her I was coming. Salma is like a mother figure, she took Ina and I in when we were first starting working in the fashion industry. "Salma, Salma, shhh, me dejas contestar? (Salma, Salma, shhh, can you let me reply?)" I said trying to stop her from bombarding me with questions. "Ya, perdón pero no me dijiste que venías (Alright, sorry but you didn't tell me you were coming.)" She said a little disappointed. "No sabía que ibas a asistir, de haber sabido te hubiese avisado (I didn't know you were coming, had I known I would've told you.)" I told her. "Okay, okay, e Ina cómo está? (Okay, okay, and how's Ina?)" The older woman asked. "Está bien pero hace unos días que no hablamos, ya sabes como es su trabajo (She's fine but we haven't talked in a few days, you know how her job can be.)" I replied. We started chit chatting for a few. Salma introduced me with a few people, some who flirted with me, others where just nice —
the type of people it's convenient to be friends with — and a few that I didn't know. It wasn't so bad after all. I was distracted thinking about some meetings I would be having in the next couple of days when Salma whispered in my ear "She keeps staring at you. Deberías hacer algo al respecto (You should do something about that.)". I looked to where Salma was suggesting and there she was, in a circle of people, next to that man. She didn't seem to be looking at me from my perspective. "Rubbish, she's talking to people." I said. "I never said who it was..." Salma said with a mischievous tone and continue "But she is staring, has been for the past hour and you should go and talk to her". I just stared at Salma annoyed that she noticed all that. "No, gracias. (No, thank you.)"  was my response. "Sabes quién es? Sabes quién te ha estado mirando por más de una hora? (Do you know who she is? Do you know who has been staring at you for the past hour?)" Said Salma in disbelief. "Mhm-mhm"  nonchalant my stubborn ass said. "So you're telling me you know Scarlett Johansson has been staring at you and all you're going to say is "mhm-mhm"?" She said. "Mhm-mhm" I said again, at this point I was just mocking. "Dios mío! Anastasia!" Salma pretty much yelled. "What!?  Your friend Ryan Gosling flirted with me for the past hour and you didn't even care. What's all the fuss about?" Bloody hell if this woman keep pushing I'll need another bottle of tequila. "Tú y yo sabemos muy bien que te pasan por el arco del triunfo los hombres. Además estamos hablando de Scarlett Johansson. Una de las mujeres más guapas del mundo. (You and I know very well you couldn't give a crap about men. Besides we're talking about Scarlett Johansson. One of the most attractive women in the world.)" Salma's right. I couldn't care less about men. But still. "Salma, you don't even know if the woman is single or gay. And you know damn well I don't do relationships. So if you'll excuse me mate, I'll go get some more alcohol".

On my way to the bar for like the 10th time today, Alexei and Dimitri came closer and put themselves right in front of me, blocking my path to the bar. "Хватит с тебя босса. (You've had enough boss)" Alexei said. I signed and just said "Fine но возьмите машину, я уже хочу уехать. (but get the car, I want to leave already)" I said. They both nodded and Dimitri went for the car. I went back to say goodbye to a couple of people including Salma and Anna Wintour.

I was waiting outside with Alexei for the car when I saw someone approach me from behind. "Hey" I turned around and saw Scarlett standing there. Alexei got closer, making sure I wasn't being bothered. "Все в порядке. (It's alright)" I looked at Alexei, and then I turned to the beautiful woman standing in front of me "Hey". "Leaving already?" She asked. "Yes, drank too much, and I have work tomorrow. You?" I noticed she didn't know what to say when I asked. "Ehm I-I saw you leaving and I wanted to say bye". She's adorable, I thought. "Goodbye, Scarlett. It was a pleasure meeting you" I told her smirking. She looked down and smiled. "Scarlett? What happened to Miss Johansson?" She said intrigued by the change of name. "Well I thought we were friends, friends call each other by their first name, don't they?" I said and she laughed. Sadly, Dimitri arrived with the car. "Humble car you got over there" she nodded towards the car. "I got to stay humble" I winked. Alexei opened the door for me but before I got in I looked at her one last time and said "You look stunning, that guy is really lucky. I hope he knows it" she blushed. "Goodbye Volkova, it was nice getting to know you" where her last words, after that I got in the car and we drove away. Back to reality.

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