Convolution / Complications

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Scarlett's POV

Yesterday with Rose and work I wasn't able to see Anastasia but I'm really excited about tonight. I called Tia and we made dinner plans. Rose will have a sleepover with some of her friends so it'll just be Tia and I alone at my place. The last time I saw her we both wanted to have some action (if you know what I mean) but couldn't because my daughter was home...but tonight there'll be no excuse.

I have been in a very good mood ever since I came out to the cast. They have been nothing but supportive and even Chris is kind of getting on board with the idea of me and Anastasia being in a relationship which makes me so happy. I haven't heard of Colin in a while and everything seems to be getting better. For a second, I thought things were too good to be true but I guess my overthinking was getting the best out of me.

I've been filming some scenes with Jeremy Renner and this afternoon we'll have some group scenes to film. It's some sort of big fight and most of the cast will be in it which is exciting since it rarely happens.

Elizabeth's POV

I have been anxious all day long, my head's been somewhere else and I've been fucking up at work ever since I found out I was going to have to see Scarlett later today for some scenes. Anastasia and I talked all day long yesterday and I even stayed over. She's been nothing but amazing to me and we talked about how my feelings for her increased the more I had issues with Robbie, meaning I felt attracted to her because she was everything Robbie wasn't. It helped me understand that even though I find her attractive and I love her, maybe it's not in a romantic way, maybe it is, but the more we talked about it yesterday, the more it made me think maybe it's platonic. I don't know... I'm still figuring it out. It's only been a day but Anastasia and I did agree on keeping our relationship the same, we don't want it to be awkward and I think we did a pretty good job talking through it. Honestly, if I didn't know, I would think Anastasia is as old or older than I am, she's so mature for her age.

Anyway, I'm freaking out and I don't know what to do. I feel horrible for kissing Anastasia and she hasn't told Scarlett yet, apparently, they have plans tonight and she'll tell her then but I don't want to lie when I see Scar, I'm a terrible liar. I was walking super fast to my trailer, dialing Tia's phone hoping she would help me calm down. I feel like I'm about to throw up.

* Ring, ring...*

Thank God you picked up!

I said feeling relief she wasn't busy.

Hey baby, what's up?

I need you to calm me down,
I'm about to film a scene with
Scarlett and I can't just go and
pretend like everything is fine!

I frenetically spoke.

Everything is fine, you did
nothing wrong. You were drunk
and upset about Robbie and
you made a mistake, that's it.


I know, I was there, you're
quite a good kisser, love.

She replied jokingly, but this ain't the moment to joke!

I was about to yell at Tia for joking when it was clearly not the moment when I saw Robert about 2 meters from me in his costume. Shit, he heard, he totally heard. I'm fucked.

Darling? You still there?

I could hear Anastasia on the phone but I didn't respond, I ran up to Robert with my phone still on my ear and said "I can explain". "Lizzie... hey" he said in a deflated voice probably because he thinks I made a move on our friend's girlfriend. "Please, don't tell Scarlett, I can explain" I begged while pulling him into my trailer. When I tell you I was freaking out, I was freaking the fuck out. Shit. This is what happens when you are a horrible person, it's karma. He's going to tell Scarlett and she'll hate me and maybe even break up with Tia, and all because I couldn't keep my fucking lips away from Anastasia's.

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