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Anastasia's POV

It's been a few days since Ekaterina arrived. I'm extremely content that she's here. We've been spending a lot of time together, she works every day which is not surprising and I've been relaxing a bit more. For the most part I go out to the mall, get coffee, take a few phone calls and go back to the flat and watch Netflix all day long. It's been nice, I haven't had proper holidays in years.

Yesterday, Scarlett finally texted. I honestly thought she had just ghosted me and that would be the end of it. I thought about texting her like Ekaterina said but my dignity and ego were too stubborn. Fortunately, to my surprise, she texted AND pretty much asked me out on a date. I felt a little gutted when she said it wasn't a date because she doesn't want to admit it but she's pretty much taking me out, so I'll take that as a win. Although, she's still married...I'll worry about that another day. Anyway, we'll be going out tonight to a pizza place near the flat. Ekaterina went to work but she said she would be back soon, it's around 2:00pm and I'm gonna start choosing my outfits for tonight's date. I'm excited which is odd, never been excited before for a date, it's...nice, it feels nice.

nice, it feels nice

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I have 2 choices but I'm not sure

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I have 2 choices but I'm not sure. I started changing when I heard Ekaterina coming in the room. "Эй, как прошла работа? (Hey, how was work?)" I asked Ina. She was staring at her phone when she entered the room so when I talked to her, she lifted her head and looked at my almost naked body and smirked "Эй, сексуальная женщина (Hey sexy)" she said. I just rolled my eyes. "вы уходите? (Are you going out?)" she asked when she noticed the clothes on the bed. "Да, я иду на ужин со Скарлетт. (Yes, I'm going out to dinner with Scarlett)" I explained with a smile on my face. "ты куда? (Where are you going?)" she asked curious and sat on the bed. "В пиццерии неподалеку. (A pizza place nearby)". "Мне нравится первый наряд, второй слишком официальный для пиццерии. (I like the first outfit, the second one is too formal for a pizzeria)" she nodded at the first outfit. I smiled at her and put the outfit on. I was looking at myself in the mirror when she came from behind and wrapped her arms around my waist while laying her head over my shoulder. I started smiling again and took her hands in mine and looked at her through the reflection of the mirror. "я люблю тебя (I love you)" I said to her and she smiled back and kissed my cheek. "Я знаю это, любовь моя. (I know you do, my love)" she said with that confidence of her and we both giggled. Ina turned me around so that I would face her, took a step forward and put her right hand on my cheek and began caressing it. I close the gap we had by putting my forehead on hers and closed my eyes. The relationship Ekaterina and I have is something I can't explain. Most people confuse us for a couple when they see us interact which is bizarre to me. That's the only way I know how to behave around her. And I know it's the same for her as well. She's my soulmate and the more the days pass, the more worried I begin to be because I know she'll leave me. I try not to think about it but last time she left, I didn't see her for almost a year. "Как сильно тебе нравится эта девушка? (How much do you like this girl?)" she interrupted our little moment. I replied "Я не уверен, но я никогда не чувствовал такого раньше. (I am not sure, but I've never felt like this before)". Ina looked at me and said with some worry "Будьте осторожны. Я не хочу, чтобы вы пострадали. (Be careful, please. I don't want you to get hurt)" she stopped for a second before continuing "Я не хочу, чтобы ты снова пострадал. (I don't want you to get hurt again)". "Эй, нет. Ты не можешь этого сделать. Это не твоя вина, мы были молоды и глупы. Важно то, что мы живы и в порядке. Я люблю тебя, это никогда не изменится. (Hey, no. You don't get to do that. It's not your fault, we were young and stupid. All that matters is that we're alive and we are fine. I love you, that will never change)" I said refusing to go through that path again. She always blamed herself but it's not her fault. We broke up because we didn't love each other like that, it took a tool on me because I never felt loved before but we did what was best for us. I could see a tear going down her cheek, it pains me to see her like that. Now it was me the one with the hand on her cheek, she didn't want to look me in the eyes but I lifted her chain delicately "Я знаю, я знаю. я был... я был таким придурком, и я не могу представить, чтобы ты прошла через это снова. (I know, I know. I was....I was such a jerk and I can't see you go through that again. I love you with all of my heart and I never meant to hurt you)" her eyes were teary. "Я знаю это. Вы шутите? Вы спасли меня, Екатерина. Вы спасли меня. Мы сделали то, что было лучше для нас, и вы не были козлом. Я обязан вам своей жизнью. (I know that. Are you kidding? You saved me Ekaterina. You saved me. We did what was best for us, and you were NOT a jerk. I owe you my life)" I said meaning every single word. She smiled lightly and I hugged. Tight. Scared she would leave me. So I hugged her and we remained like that for a few. You see, Ekaterina is the kind of girl that doesn't open up. She's confident, intimidating even scary at times. It doesn't matter who it is, she doesn't show her emotions. She's the bravest person I know but with me, with me, she opens up, she feels things. It's rare. It's nice to be her weak spot. It scares her, that's why she's overprotective but it's nice knowing someone cares that much for you. She's my everything and I know I'm her everything. We would die for each other, no doubt, no regrets, no hesitation. It's nice.

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